Things You Should Never Do While Speed Dating

Some people are suited to being single, but if that isn't you, and you want to expand your dating horizons, chances are you've thought about speed dating. But before you go on your first event, there are a few things organizers like Canada's Do Sask want you to know, and the advice has to do with improving your chances for making a match. 


Most of that has to do with the attitude and the mindset that speed daters bring to the event, because as Do Sask points out, some behaviors can have an impact on the success of the event that you're about to attend.

Don't assume you'll meet Mr. (or Ms.) Perfect

We get it. There's a reason why you're at a speed dating event. You want to meet someone and you hope that the bolt of lighting will hit while you're there, and you'll ride off into the sunset with your happily-ever-after. 


But there's no sense in getting hung up and stressed out over the possibility that it might happen. And while you're at it, don't discard someone who may not be exactly what you're looking for physically. While speed dating experts know you've got a few non-negotiables, it helps to keep an open mind, because you never know when you meet someone that will surprise you, especially since appearances don't exactly signal when someone is a kindred spirit.

Don't leave your best side at home

You may be a firm believer in the phrase, "If he doesn't accept me at my worst, he doesn't deserve me at my best," but now may not be the best time for that. Because a speed date is also a line-up of first dates, you'll need to remember to leave the baggage of the day at home and bring your best side to the game. 


A first date may not care that you've had a bad day at work and all you want to do is complain, or you don't feel like talking, or even that you're not interested in crawling outside your shell (via Rande Motyl). This also applies to making an effort with the way you look, because it is a date (with a lot of people, for a limited time) after all. 

Besides, if you do make a connection, there will be plenty of opportunities for your prospective partner to see you as you are if or when you two become a thing.

