The One Thing Prince Harry Does That Annoys Meghan Markle

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle may be in love but, like with any couple, there are things about each other that the other person can't stand. There's one thing in particular that Markle can't stand about her husband.


Of course, this is Prince Harry, so it's not too surprising that he revealed the thing he does that annoys his wife with his trademark good humor. In the documentary Prince, Son and Heir: Charles at 70, Prince Harry said (via PureWow) that Markle is driven nuts by the fact that he's "obsessed" with not wasting electricity. This is a "small habit" that the Duke of Sussex picked up from his father, Prince Charles. "He's a stickler for turning lights off," said Prince Harry. "And that's now something that I'm obsessed with as well."

Markle is reportedly a bit put-off by this habit of her husband's. "My wife certainly goes, 'Well, why turn the lights off? You know, it's dark,'" said the royal. "I go, 'We only need one light. We don't need, like, six.'"


Turning off the lights is just one way Prince Harry is committed to protecting the environment

As far as bad habits go, we're not even too sure this can be categorized as bad, especially as Prince Harry and Markle are both dedicated to protecting the environment. Turning off unneeded lights might not be as extreme as the royal couple's plan to only have two kids because of environmental concerns, but it still reflects Prince Harry's commitment to protecting the environment.


In June 2019, the couple posted about the necessity of protecting the environment in an Instagram post. "There is a ticking clock to protect our planet — with climate change, the deterioration of our natural resources, endangerment of sacred wildlife, the impact of plastics and microplastics, and fossil fuel emissions, we are jeopardizing this beautiful place we call home — for ourselves and for future generations," they wrote.

