Peter's Mom May Have Revealed Who Wins The Bachelor

Going into this week's episode eight of The Bachelor, airline pilot Peter Weber had narrowed down the field of 30 lovely ladies vying for his attention to just four final candidates. Pete's been looking for love on reality TV since last year when he appeared on Hannah Brown's season of The Bachelorette — while a fan favorite, Pete ultimately didn't make the cut with Hannah. With reality TV romance, though, it's not whether you win or lose, it's whether you start a flame in the heart of the show's producers. Evidently Pilot Pete did just that, since here he is back again hosting his own show and, oh yeah, auditioning potential brides.


When it comes to picking the future Mrs. Pilot, though, his mom wanted to weigh in and have her say... and although technically no names were mentioned (or at least were carefully edited out of the clip they've been running), she dropped enough clues that we can kind of guess who Pete's going to pick... or else, face the wrath of a mom whose advice was ignored.

Who were Pete's final 4 in The Bachelor?

Pete's top four choices were model Hanna Ann Sluss, who was awarded his very first rose, one-time Price Is Right contestant Madison Prewett, former Miss Iowa Kelsey Weier, and the controversial Victoria Fuller. Of these four, many Bachelor watchers figured Victoria would be Pete's pick — after all, she is a vegan, and supposedly Pete recently converted to eating a vegan diet himself. Did he do it for ethical reasons, did he do it for his health, or did he do it for love? (Being as how this is reality TV, there's always option number four: publicity.)


Each of these four lucky ladies would get a hometown visit that could allow them to show off their Reality Prince Charming, as well as have carefully prepped and vetted friends, family, and cute lil' pets standing by to help solidify their standings.

What went down in episode 8 of The Bachelor?

Pete accompanied Hannah to Knoxville, Tennessee where he met her extremely protective father. Next he went with Kelsey to Des Moines, Iowa where she told him she loved him. Then it was off to Auburn, Alabama with Madison, where her family expressed doubts as to Peter's religious convictions. His final visit to Virginia Beach with Victoria, though, was where Parade indicates that things started to go off script a bit (or rather, very much on-script, considering what we're watching here).


An old girlfriend of Pete's from his pre-TV days, a woman named Merissa Pence, showed up with some startling news for her former flame. She turns out to have known Victoria for several years, and doesn't really think Victoria is bride material quite yet. Amongst the Victoria horror stories Merissa has shared (via Parade) include affairs with married men and a threat to slash tires. Pete then confronted Victoria, saying "I'm just asking for the truth," to which she responded, "Well, it doesn't matter anymore, Peter." And after all that, he never did actually meet her family.

When it came to the rose ceremony, however, where one contestant would be sent home, that contestant was not Victoria — instead, Kelsey, who was too quick to use the "L" word, was the one who got the boot.


How Pete's mom might have tipped off the ending

How does Pete's mama feel about this drama? She's contributed her own share — in a teaser clip in which she begs her son, "Don't let her go. Don't let her go! That's what love stories are made out of and God has placed her there for you. Bring her home, bring her home to us."


This isn't the first time we've seen this teaser, so how do we know to whom this plea is referring now? In episode seven, one contestant testified about her strong faith, and this was confirmed by her family in episode eight. Of the three ladies left, the most religious is undoubtedly Madison. Since Pete's mom seems to share that same religious bent, Madison would naturally be the favored daughter-in-law candidate.

Still, it looks like trouble lies ahead. As PureWow points out, there's that fantasy suite episode to look forward to... or not, if you're a good Christian girl saving herself for marriage. Madison has come right out and said of Pete, "If he sleeps with anyone else, it's going to be hard for me to move forward," but in the teasers Pete admits that he did, actually, do the deed with one of the three. It's possible Madison tries to leave the show, then Peter's mom throws a fit. As for Pete... well, who knows? Does he go after her and make Mom happy? Or has this season of The Bachelor got yet more plot twists in store for us? Guess we'll just have to wait and see.


