The Unglamourous Side To Ainsley Earhardt's Fox News Gig No One Sees
"Fox and Friends" co-host Ainsley Earhardt gave social media a rare peek behind the curtain. In a post on Instagram, Earhardt walked followers through her morning routine and showed the audience what it's like to get ready for the show. The video starts with Earhardt looking nearly camera-ready as she finishes getting her makeup done, sipping from a bottle of Acqua Panna water. She's covered with a smock and a jacket to keep her outfit from getting smeared. But that's where the luxury ends, as it's revealed that aspects of being a co-host on Fox News may not match the lavish lifestyle that Earhardt is used to.
The job is fit for early risers and morning people. Earhardt's day starts bright and early — she even revealed she sets "four or five" alarm clocks to go off so she isn't late for work. Her first alarm goes off at 3:30 a.m.! And when Earhardt arrives at work to start her day, the sky is still dark because the sun hasn't even come up. She usually finishes getting her hair and makeup done by 5 a.m. Then she changes into her on-camera outfit, which in this video is a preppy pink tweed blazer.
The Fox News offices are a ghost town before Ainsley goes on air
After Ainsley Earhardt transforms to look camera-ready, then it's crunch time before the show begins. She walks past the studio where she'll be returning in the next few hours for the lengthy three-hour show. Earhardt even revealed that the screen behind the "Fox & Friends" coach is not a real window but a screen. It does, however, overlook 6th Avenue (also called Avenue of the Americas) in New York City. But there's nothing to see there when Earhardt points it out in her early morning video, as the sun still has a few hours before it will rise.
Then Earhardt heads upstairs to the "Fox & Friends" offices, which are on a separate floor — quite a distance from the studio. Since it's so early in the morning, only a handful of employees are there. She greets them and says that they feel like a family, explaining how they bond by being the only ones in the studio at this hour (And she'll soon become a real family with fellow Fox News personality Sean Hannity, her fiancé). When she reaches the office, Earhardt's assistant will run the host through her schedule for the week. After that, Earhardt said she spends about 45 minutes reading articles and looking over the news that will be discussed on that day's show. Once that is done, it won't be long before the show is ready to begin. It's a rigorous morning routine that all happens before many are awake.