Trump Attempts To Reignite Biden And Obama Feud Rumors With Latest Comments

There's no faster way to start a feud than to turn old friends against one another, and that appears to be what Donald Trump insinuated with his latest comments about Joe Biden and Barack Obama. In an interview with The Spectator, when Trump met with Biden after defeating him in the 2024 presidential elections, he asked Biden who he blamed for his own defeat and said that Biden claimed, "'I blame Barack,'" later adding, "'and I also blame Nancy Pelosi.'" In an interesting turn of events, when Trump asked Biden if he blamed Kamala Harris at all — the person who replaced Biden as the Democratic nominee for president, Biden reportedly said, "'No, I don't blame her.'"


Whether fact or strategic fiction, relaying Biden's remarks in the interview is sure to add ammunition to the rumors about a feud between Obama and Biden. It all originated when Obama changed his stance on supporting Biden for re-election and instead began to reportedly side with Nancy Pelosi who was nudging Biden to step aside after chatter about his health and old age began to take a toll on public perception of him being fit for another four years. 

It would make sense for Biden to harbor some ill will against his old pal Obama if he played a part in forcing Biden out of running again, especially since we know Biden turned to Obama for advice during his presidency. However, given Trump's proclivity for telling tall tales in the media, we also wouldn't doubt that this is a calculated move to keep people focused on a feud that no longer really matters.


Biden and Obama's journey from friends to foes

Since Joe Biden's inauguration in 2021, Barack Obama seemed to be firmly on his former vice president's side. After all, he penned a heartwarming letter to Biden to help guide Papa Joe through the difficult job Obama had done before. But Obama was equally enthused about Biden's own vice president Kamala Harris, with a New York Times correspondent posting on X, formerly known as Twitter, that Obama reportedly told Harris that he was "so proud of you." The setup made for a test of loyalty when the 2024 elections rolled around and Biden and Harris were suddenly pitted against each other to face off against Donald Trump — and Obama had to pick a side when Biden's age was called into question.


Perhaps not wanting for his old friend to hear it from him directly, Politico reported that the passionate opinion piece written for the New York Times by Hollywood Democrat heavyweight George Clooney, which advocated for Biden to step aside, was first run by Obama — who did nothing to stop Clooney from getting the public's opinion swaying on Biden's re-election. It led to a brutal battle brewing behind the scenes, though Politico also reported that Biden seemed to bitterly acknowledge that Pelosi "did what she had to do."

However, the grudge may have deepened amongst everyone involved when Harris lost to Trump, since all of the Democratic backstabbing amounted to nothing given Trump's victory. All we know is that no matter Obama and Biden's true feelings for each other, it is politically savvy for Trump to stoke any and all rumors about the old friends' bitter feud.


