Barron Trump's Reported Attempt At College Rebellion Did Not End Well

President Donald Trump's youngest son, Barron Trump, just wants to get through his time at New York University in peace. While the 18-year-old lives an insanely lavish life thanks to his dad, life under the radar is apparently a luxury he can't afford, especially when he has excessive Secret Service detail glued to him wherever he goes. However, he's apparently willing to put himself out there in his college environment every now and then.


Barron once seemed content to just labor through his classes and then hightail it back to Trump Tower. However, it seems the presidential youth is finally finding his footing in college social life and has begun indulging in some ill-advised extracurriculars as a result. Per Daily Mail, Barron reportedly tried to slither his way into a NoHo bar but was turned away when he failed to show he was 21 years old. Whereas such situations would be grounds for some college students to pull out their trusty fake IDs, it doesn't look like Barron tried that hard to press the situation further. From there, it was probably back to life in solitude in the halls of Trump Tower, though it was worth a try.

He's bringing more attention to himself

As much as he purportedly wants to keep a low profile, Barron Trump has already done plenty to draw attention to himself as a young adult. His failed attempt to get into a bar may be his first real foray into acting like a normal, social college student, but he's already reportedly caused enough buzz around campus for both his political image and looks. Not only is he allegedly considered popular with the NYU ladies, but his lowkey behavior caused a commotion at the school, thus prompting its College Republicans of America chapter president to resign after she spoke to the press about his campus vibe.


Barron also brought national attention to himself when he served as Daddy's little advisor during President Donald Trump's 2024 campaign. His intelligence and Gen Z savvy earned him favor with Trump supporters, and some users on X, formerly Twitter, are already positioning Barron to be a top presidential candidate when he comes of age. "Barron Trump should be the president someday," one X user wrote. Even if he doesn't pursue a life in politics, other Trump supporters believe his intelligence will propel him to greatness. "Barron Trump is someone to watch for in the future for [his] leadership," another X user wrote. "His intelligence, looks, charisma and experience will take him wherever he chooses." Regardless of where his career takes him, Barron's bar debacle shows he still has some youthful tendencies to shake off before he's ready to enter the professional world.


