The Most Inappropriate Outfits Ever Worn By Trump's AG Pam Bondi

Working her way up from Florida Attorney General to hold a coveted position in President Donald Trump's ego-boosting cabinet, Pam Bondi has always held her blonde head high. When Trump's initial U.S. Attorney General pick of Matt Gaetz dissolved in the wake of several scandals, Bondi was quick to step up to the plate. Boasting a law career firmly based in the Sunshine State, Bondi was behind the courthouse leniency for some of the many Trump family lawsuits filed there. Whether she chose not to pursue litigation against Trump or possibly helped him behind the scenes, Bondi certainly secured her place within his retinue. However, now that she's made her way onto the world stage, Bondi has faced criticism both of her political past as well as how she presents herself.


With a classic and refined sense of business attire, Bondi has certainly carried herself as a woman to be taken seriously. But within the sphere of influence created by Trump, many of the women he helps get into positions of power also seem to come with a lack of common fashion sense (for example, all the inappropriate outfits Kimberly Guilfoyle wore while campaigning). While Bondi seems to have a better handle on how to present herself than most, there have still been several times her styling has missed the mark. Whether it's outlandish decals on her sleeves or a party dress with the wrong waistline, Bondi has certainly worn some inappropriate outfits over the years.

Pam Bondi's inappropriate pink party dress

In 2016, Pam Bondi and her cohort of gal pals were out on the town celebrating a birthday for a friend, as documented by her Instagram post at the time. Seen posing in a more professional setting than is to be expected for a birthday bash, Bondi and friends appear to be in the Governor's Club of Tallahassee. Most of the women are dressed in a lovely mix of business and party attire, but Bondi's bright pink dress steals the show.


In this throwback pic, Bondi is almost unrecognizable — possibly due to some plastic surgery, but mostly because it's rare to see her in such a loud outfit. In fact, this is also a rare occasion in which Bondi is showing off her arms, as most of what she wears is a bit more buttoned up. Not only was she hanging loose with this dress, but so was the waistline. The garment wants to be a wrap dress, but it's hard to tell what it actually is. The knot to the side of her hips creates a drop-waist that is not flattering, which is doubly unfortunate as the dress is such a neon eye-catching color. Perhaps this was the start of Bondi getting fashion advice from unreliable sources.

Pam Bondi flexed some Kimberly Guilfoyle-inspired bows

During the 2018 holiday season, Pam Bondi and John Wakefield were caught posing together in the White House, according to her Instagram. This was during part of Bondi's relationship history where she was neither confirming nor denying dating Wakefield in the aftermath of ending her relationship with Greg Henderson, although taking Christmas photos together is often a sign of something serious happening. Even with all the seasonal cheer, however, nothing could distract from the giant bows on Bondi's dress.


Perhaps Bondi was copying Kimberly Guilfoyle and her love of the same tired bow style, but it would be wise if she found a different muse. Not only are the bows gargantuan, but they sit atop a bell sleeve that flares out at the end — drama on top of drama. For such a bold statement, the rest of the dress feels a bit boring. The cream color feels off for the season and not bold enough in any direction to match the sleeve flare. However, considering first lady Melania Trump was having a hard time decorating for Christmas that year, perhaps Bondi's lackluster outfit can be excused.

Pam Bondi's pink ruffle kerfluffle

The friendship between Pam Bondi and Donald Trump goes back quite a ways and includes more than one of Trump's presidential campaigns. In 2020 Bondi was part of a movement attempting to corral more women to vote for Trump. In an Instagram post, Bondi is surrounded by constituents while her caption exclaims "Sarasota Women For Trump!!!" While most of the attendees surrounding Bondi are dressed for the warm Florida weather, Bondi is wearing an inexplicable outfit.


The wide white pants with buttons along the pocket are clearly trying to evoke a sailor pant style, but still come off as just a bit costumey. White is a color often associated with suffrage movements, so the thinking behind such bold bottoms makes sense, which is why the top Bondi chose to wear for the occasion is quite the head-scratcher. First, the pink tone of the shirt washes Bondi out and doesn't photograph well in the blazing sun. Second, the cascading double ruffles spewing out of the collar of the blouse and running all the way to her knees are quite the distraction. Making the whole look more ready for a dinner theater pirate play than a campaign rally.

Pam Bondi and Kimberly Guilfoyle had a Derby disaster

Taking to Instagram to celebrate a "Great day at Derby!" Pam Bondi posted quite the snap. Seen here cozying up with Donald Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bondi is boasting quite a questionable outfit. Whereas the Kentucky Derby is known for the parading of big hats and fancy dresses, what the attorney general decided to wear was a bit of a misfire. The giant red hat is both too big and structurally floppy. In other photos Bondi posted from that day, the hat looks bent and unable to hold itself up — an indication it could have been cheaply made and therefore not fully appropriate for such a lavish event. The dress Bondi chose also was a bit of a mess, as the pattern printed on it wants to give the appearance the whole thing is made out of a much fancier fabric than it actually is. All around, not her finest look.


The presence of Guilfoyle could be the culprit behind all the bad fashion on display. Known for her inappropriate outfits and bold statements, Guilfoyle was wearing a confetti-inspired dress for the Derby. This isn't the only time Guilfoyle's been caught in a photo with Bondi to remind us all that she has always had a life outside of dating Donald Trump Jr. Now that Guilfoyle has been sent to Greece, hopefully, her bad fashion won't tempt Bondi into making further mistakes.

Pam Bondi might owe Ireland an apology for this dress

After two marriages and an engagement ended, Pam Bondi seems to have settled down with John Wakefield. The two have been spotted together at major events and Buccaneers games since 2017, but are incredibly tight-lipped about their personal relationship. However, their unwillingness to let the public into their bedroom doesn't mean they aren't actively sharing their lives on social media. In June 2022, Bondi posted a rather adorable photo to Instagram of her and Wakefield embracing in front of some emerald hills of green. The caption simply states, "Doombeg Ireland," indicating the couple were clearly on vacation. Whereas any Bondi hairstyle disasters were avoided for this particular photo, the dress is quite literally all over the place.


Right off the bat, the oatmeal hue of the dress doesn't quite work for Bondi's skin tone — especially when her Florida tan wants to shine through. The style of the dress is also a puzzler, it has a drop waist and off-the-shoulder neckline which makes it feel very 1980s-inspired. However, the skirt and poofy sleeves feel more like a Gunne Sax dress, which was popular in the '70s. As if the mish mash of eras wasn't bad enough, the overall look of the dress just feels heavy. Why Bondi chose to wear this to highlight her trip to Ireland is a true mystery; hopefully none of the locals were too upset by it. Luckily for Bondi, she has plenty of put together outfits in her closet back home.

