Inside Hallmark Newcomer Raissa Xavier's Real-Life Romance

Raissa Xavier may be a new face for Hallmark with only one film for the popular network under her belt, but keep your eyes peeled for her on the network in the future because she may be one to watch. The up-and-comer shined as the role of a captain who grapples with a stowaway on her ship's cruise to Antarctica in the recent film "Polar Opposites," and her performance was just as compelling as those of lead actors Rhiannon Fish and Markian Tarasiuk. The central love story revolves around Fish's connection with Tarasiuk after she illegally boards a ship in South America and meets the charming engineer. The unlikely pair spark immediately, but Fish is desperate to find her father, who she fears has encountered trouble while on location gathering data on penguins.


Although Xavier's Ingrid plays a secondary role, she does grapple with following the rules versus following her heart. The real-life partners of Hallmark channel stars are a subject of interest for many fans, and when it comes to clues about Xavier's real-life love, look no further than her Instagram. She frequently posts pictures with her partner, Gabriel Godoy, and the two get cozy on the regular. Xavier doesn't skimp in her captions, mixing romanticized sentiments with an everyday familiarity that has fans swooning over the pair.

"Love is a sum. It's a partnership. We're lucky to have met at a carnival block and never left each other's side. Now we're two allergy sufferers sharing a life, a tissue for our noses and a Nasonex," she wrote a post on June 12, 2024. "There's nothing more poetic. I love you with or without a runny nose, with a good or a stiff back... Happy our day!" she finished, implying the couple was celebrating an anniversary. And the poetry doesn't stop there.


Raissa Xavier published a book of poetry

Raissa Xavier joins the ranks of other Hallmark stars who have written books, having published a book of poetry called "1/4 of Me — Poems by Raissa Xavier." The work addresses the issues of abuse, self-esteem, and empowerment. "At a time when so many women are silent, it is very good to have in your hands a book dictated by the strength and courage of a sensitive woman like Raissa," says fellow poet Mabel Veloso (via her website).


While Xavier's book focuses on female empowerment, it in turn addresses the need for men to get in touch with their sensitive side, something the Hallmark network is known for representing well. The Bahia native is forward in the way she speaks about her own relationship with her partner, and we can't help but wonder if some of her social media tributes serve as the perfect preview for what's to come in her career — namely, more stories of love.

"There is no set date for love. Love exists on its own. It arrives, invades you and makes its home. Love is home. It is where you know you can go when any doubt arises," she writes in another tribute to Gabriel Godoy posted to Instagram on March 14, 2024. "It paints rainbows on a black and white day. And it scribbles on you like a child with crayons in hand, it makes a beautiful drawing even without knowing how to draw, love plays with laughter and is serious as it walks." It sounds to us like Xavier is well-versed in the language of love, making her a perfect fit to continue her work with Hallmark. Here's hoping we find her in the complete guide to your favorite Hallmark actors in no time. 


