Strange Things About Jana Kramer & Allan Russell's Marriage We Can't Ignore

Jana Kramer and Allan Russell's whirlwind romance has captivated fans, but certain aspects of their marriage raise eyebrows. The actor and soccer star's relationship progressed at lightning speed: they met through social media, dated for six months before getting engaged, and announced a pregnancy shortly after. While some couples successfully build long-lasting relationships in a short timeframe, others have found that moving too fast can lead to greater challenges down the road. Given Kramer's past relationship troubles, we can't help but think a little harder about the weirdness between these two.


From secretive financial arrangements to Russell's regressive opinions on Kramer's career choices, there are some strange elements to their relationship that just can't be ignored. While their love story seems to be a fairy tale on the surface, closer scrutiny reveals cracks that might hint at deeper issues. The List spoke with exclusively with family law attorney Holly Davis of Austin-based Kirker Davis LLP about these potential issues, but consider these eccentricities so you can be the judge.

Kramer and Russell neither confirm nor deny the existence of a prenup

Jana Kramer and her husband, soccer player Allan Russell, have made it clear that they are keeping their financial arrangements private. Not for lack of questioning, either: When asked directly by her podcast co-host Cheryl Burke whether she signed a prenuptial agreement with Russell, Kramer flat-out refused to answer. "We have never discussed that [on this podcast]. We're still not going to discuss that. But it was a very long conversation. We had a lot of conversations around it" (via Us Weekly).


While you could take her silence on the subject as confirmation that a prenup was signed, it could just as easily mean the opposite. Kramer's comments about Russell certainly leans more toward the latter. "My husband is very old-school. He did not love the idea of it," she also shared with Burke. There are plenty of these "traditional" types that essentially view prenups as a legally binding guarantee of divorce, and Kramer's comments fall just short of explicitly placing Russell in that camp. This secrecy surrounding their financial agreement raises questions about why they're so unwilling to be transparent. 

For stars like Kramer, prenups are nothing to be afraid of, says family law attorney

Jana Kramer's co-parenting experience with Mike Caussin may play a significant role in this weird attitude she has toward talking about her fourth marriage. But, in speaking exclusively with family law attorney Holly Davis of Austin-based Kirker Davis LLP, this is only further stigmatizing the very concept of a prenup. "It is a practical thing to do, plain and simple, and it can save fighting and heartache down the road if clear-cut plans are put in place in advance," Davis told The List.


Having navigated a painful and financially impactful split, it's understandable that Kramer would be more cautious about what she shares this time around (lest anyone accuse her of being on the road to yet another split). But, according to Davis, "having such an agreement in place isn't the same as assuming there is going to be a divorce." It's important to clarify that Davis explained that prenups can actually make the marriage less worrisome. "It can spell out some issues that might be tricky: for example, how to divide assets from a family business which the spouse didn't play a role in, or how to divide assets between kids from a previous marriage and step kids from a new marriage," she shared.


Kramer strangely has been very open about her first marriage and legal proceedings

Another odd thing about Jana Kramer's marriage with Allan Russell is her continued transparency about her past relationships. She has historically been candid about her tumultuous marriage to Mike Caussin, something a so-called old-fashioned guy like Russell might not be comfortable with. Kramer has openly discussed infidelity, trust issues, and the financial consequences of her divorce from husband number three — a stark contrast to her relationship with Russell, which has been markedly more private (particularly regarding legal and financial matters).


Sure, this shift in candor might be a reflection of Kramer's personal growth. Or, it could be a deliberate choice to maintain boundaries in her latest marriage. Unlike her past relationship, where she spoke freely about negotiating a postnup and its legal implications, she has drawn a firm line in refusing to discuss the specifics of her and Russell's legal agreement (or lack thereof). This discrepancy raises the question of why she is now choosing discretion over disclosure. Whatever the reason, the contrast between her transparency with her first marriage and her guardedness with this one is striking and could signify underlying dynamics that she is reluctant to make public.

Russell has shown potential signs of being jealous and controlling

While Jana Kramer and Allan Russell appear happy together, there's something weird about certain comments he's made about her career. During a discussion on Kramer's podcast about intimate scenes in film and television, Russell made it clear that "there's not part of me that will ever, ever, ever allow that, ever, for a man to be that close to you like that" (via Life & Style). He even joked about calling producers to have such scenes removed from scripts.


While some might view this as protective or traditional — she did call him "old-school" after all — another interpretation may be to call this wrongheaded and misguided. Kramer tried her best to explain to Russell that such scenes are purely professional, but Russell stood firm in his position.

The truth is that acting is Kramer's job, and that can include ostensibly steamy scenes. Kissing your co-star is not the same as kissing your spouse. It's a really strange thing for Russell to say, and one that potentially may do more harm than good for other professional actors in relationships trying to dissuade jealous partners. It's a major item on the ever-growing list of odd things we just can't overlook with these two.


