Tacky Outfits We're Hoping Lauren Boebert Never Wears Again

Unlike other members of Congress, Lauren Boebert's legacy probably won't be related to any actual politics. Boebert has been entangled in many messy controversies both in the Capitol (she heckled former president Joe Biden as he spoke about his late son Beau) and out of it ("Beetlejuice" performance, anyone?). Her personal style has also been called into question on more than one occasion. Boebert loves to show off her leggy looks in minidresses, tight blazers, and skinny jeans, but all too often, her figure-hugging pieces flirt with the boundaries of bad taste. Other times, the Colorado representative steps out in getups that are unprofessional, mismatched, or just plain tacky. The grand prize, of course, will always go to Boebert's infamous "Let's Go Brandon" dress, which was a style dud in addition to being a classless statement. But she's come close to equaling that level on many other occasions. 


We present a few of the most egregious examples below, in hopes the congresswoman will take the hint and consign these pieces to the trash bin for good.

We're not wild about her jacket

In 2020, Lauren Boebert was busy campaigning for her first seat in Congress, as well as showing her support for President Donald Trump's re-election bid. Here, she's seen chatting up prospective voters at the Wild Horse Saloon, "Durango's Favorite Honky Tonk." We have to ask, though: Why would she wear a faux leopard-print jacket to a Western-themed bar? Boebert might be a self-described "RINO Hunter," but that's not the kind of game associated with either big-woods sharpshooters or phony Republicans. Plus, it gives off elitist Real Housewives vibes — rather tone-deaf for someone positioning herself as a champion for average Americans. 


Not even the Trump baseball cap she wore could help save this ensemble. But considering Boebert once joked, "By 'Freedom,' I clearly mean we are free to wear leopard print and polka dots!", don't look for her jacket on the Goodwill rack anytime soon.

Boebert was a-frayed of looking classy

Voters in Eckert, Colorado, were happy to see the outspoken congressional candidate, and Lauren Boebert posed for a number of pictures. Knowing she was going to appear in so many social media feeds, she might have rethought her choice of outfit. For some reason, she opted to pair an attractive sleeveless top and white slide heels with a horrendous choice of skirt. The denim is more than merely distressed — it looks as though one of her young sons found safety scissors and did a chop job on the hem. When your constituents look more polished than you do, that's a cue to do a closet makeover.


Boebert's message shirt was too Rust-y

Attending a 2021 gun show in her home state, Lauren Boebert couldn't resist the opportunity to get in a dig at a prominent liberal celeb. It was just a few weeks after the tragedy on the set of the movie "Rust," when star Alec Baldwin discharged a gun that contained a live round, killing cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. The caption of her Instagram post accused the actor of wanting to deprive gun owners of their rights while not knowing basic firearms safety himself. "I will always defend the 2nd Amendment!" she declared.


Commenters didn't find the shirt as funny as she did. In fact, it might just rank as one of the most inappropriate outfits Boebert has ever worn. Some called her out for what they felt was an un-Christian attitude; others found the message tacky in light of school shootings. "Humans died on that set and you're using their death on a petty t-shirt to get likes... that doesn't feel wrong to you?" asked one. Another agreed, "Did you Google the most insensitive and ignorant shirt and decide to wear it?" 

As if the tackiness of the shirt weren't reason enough for Boebert to trash it, the message is also outdated. In July 2024, the manslaughter case against Baldwin was dismissed after a judge ruled that crucial evidence had been withheld from the defense team. 


Her shirt is all Greek to us

Once again, Lauren Boebert wore her politics on her sleeve (and everywhere else) when she visited a local steakhouse in March 2021. If the combo of skinny jeans, heels, and t-shirt weren't questionable enough, the message of her wear took the tackiness level up a notch. The shirt depicts a Spartan helmet, a rifle, and the ancient Greek phrase "Molon Labe," meaning "come and take them." It's a popular rallying cry for conservatives who believe the government wants to snatch their guns away. 


To bring the point home, Boebert also holstered her beloved glock to her leg. It's part of her branding as a pistol-packin' mama ready to defend herself and her country. But it just isn't the flex Boebert thinks it is, especially in a place where the biggest danger she faced was elevated cholesterol from a T-bone.

The congresswoman was a mishmashed mess

In April 2020, Lauren Boebert posted a series of photos apparently taken before the COVID-19 pandemic forced closings of businesses and cancellations of public events. "Missing the campaign trail BIGLY," she lamented, along with a hashtag urging her home state to reopen. Ironically, she would have looked better in the typical pandemic-wear of sweats and hoodies than she did in this image here.


Boebert opted to combine her tight ripped jeans with a satin shirt, her favorite cropped jacket, and leopard-print stilettos (that leopard again!), creating an aesthetic that was just a notch below Peg Bundy. (And not even Peg would have added a handgun to her ensemble.) We're surprised she didn't wear a cowboy hat to top it off. That tacky accessory has ruined Boebert's look many a time in recent months.

