The Cringey NSFW Confession Nick Cannon Made About His Marriage To Mariah Carey

Nick Cannon is known for having multiple relationships with women at a time and fathering several children at once. It is not unheard of for him to say some pretty NSFW stuff. For example, on the "Amber Rose Show" (recapped by Us Weekly), he discussed his sex life with Mariah Carey in a pretty cringey moment. He has two children with the singer and they officially split in 2015.


Amber Rose starts off by asking if he had ever had sex to one of Mariah Carey's songs. He responds with, "I've answered this question while I was married — mistake!" Then he confirms that he did indeed listen to one of her songs while he was with her. "Yes, I have. She didn't like the fact that I told the world that we have sex to her music, but it was true!" Rose then asks for the specific song that they listened to in the process to which Cannon responds, "Hero." The last time he revealed this information was on the "Howard Stern Show" back in 2012.

A simple question leads to an uncomfortable moment

Upon revealing which song was playing during the act, he asks, "can you imagine having sex with Mariah Carey while Mariah Carey is playing in the back?" He then follows up with it by throwing out an apology to his ex-wife. "Sorry, Mariah. I said I wasn't going to say that again." But, even with this apology, he continues after Rose responds with, "that was some serious love-making, if you're making love to 'Hero.'"


His next gesture actually catches the host off guard. He sings part of the song while emphasizing a word to change it into a sexual innuendo. The way he plays with the audience seems to make Rose uncomfortable when she could only squeak out, "oh s—t." He ends off with, "just saying, she wrote it," which feels icky. He might be getting another angry text from Mariah!

