The Surprising Thing Rihanna Is Bad At Doing

Is there anything Rihanna can't do? Between being an international superstar, a fashion designer, beauty maven, and actress, it's hard to believe that this multi-talented artist is bad at anything. According to Seth Meyers, though, there's one surprising thing that RiRi can't do.


Meyers appeared on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon on November 18 and the two talk show hosts dished about Rihanna. Meyers talked about the singer's appearance on Late Night with Seth Meyer last June and how a round of day drinking helped him uncover her Achilles' heel. 

What is it that Rihanna is so bad at?

Seth Myers kept his secret to himself for months, until Fallon prompted him to spill it by asking, "Is there one thing that [Rihanna] doesn't do well?"

As hard as it is to believe, it turns out the beloved icon can't take a picture to save her life. "She, at one point, took my phone and took a bunch of pictures while we were day drinking," said Meyers. "And then, when I went through them and looked at them, I'm like, 'Rihanna's bad at taking pictures.'"


Meyers pulled up his phone and showed a blurry photo of him that Rihanna had taken, proving that she is, in fact, far from a pro with a cell phone camera.

Rihanna is still flawless

It might seem shocking that a celeb with such a stunning Instagram feed would be bad at being behind the camera, but we're willing to give her the benefit of the doubt on this one. Rihanna and Meyers had been drinking, after all, so maybe she was simply too tipsy to take a perfect photo, which is totally understandable. 


Even if Rihanna is bad at taking photos when stone cold sober, as far as flaws go, this one is so insignificant that we'll just go ahead and keep calling Rihanna flawless. 

