The Sweet Gift Home Town's Ben Napier Makes Erin Every Year

Erin Napier met her husband Ben when she was just 19 years old and a sophomore at Jones County Junior College in Ellisville Mississippi. In her blog Erin writes, "Ben was 21 years old... he was in every club and organization, he was loved by everyone who met him... We first met... in May 2004, and I loved watching him from a distance... I secretly admired him and I wanted so much to be his friend, to be important to him... He was the center of attention no matter where he went." It turned out, Ben felt strongly about Erin too, and just six days after being together he said, "I want to tell you something. I think I've fallen in love with you."


Fast forward 15 years after that, and Ben and Erin are sharing a home, a beautiful toddler, and their storybook American town of Laurel, Mississippi in the HGTV series Home Town.

Sharing their thoughts and feelings in writing appears to be one important way for Erin and Ben to keep their magic connection alive. Every year, according to House Beautiful, Ben makes his wife a book about the best thing that has happened every month of that particular year. Erin says the book cover is related to whatever the traditional anniversary giftmight be. So one year the book cover was made of paper and another, of cotton.

Ben's gift to Erin was inspired by another family member

Ben's anniversary book present is a work in progress, written as the year unfolds, and it is bound before it is presented. But because they are both so busy, Ben doesn't always give the book to Erin in time for their November wedding anniversary. But there are other special occasions that happen yearly, including Christmas and Valentine's Day, which means there are plenty of other opportunities for Erin to get this magical gift. Cool as the gift may be, though, Erin admits the book idea isn't original — Ben was inspired by the "Year in Review" books Erin's cousin Mark makes for his wife.


Aside from this heartwarming gift, Erin and Ben like giving each other published books, where they scribble handwritten notes inside the cover to each other, to keep their presents personal and real.

