Kimberly Guilfoyle Proves Her Photoshopping Knows No Bounds In Post For Son's Milestone Birthday

Benjamin Franklin once said, "Nothing is certain but death and taxes." It seems we could add Kimberly Guilfoyle posting photoshopped pictures as another of life's certainties. Guilfoyle, who is engaged to Donald Trump Jr., has posted a series of photos on Instagram to celebrate her son Ronan Villency turning 18. But on the day when all attention should be on her son, who is a spitting image of Guilfoyle's father, her priority seemed to be on ensuring her 55-year-old face looked as smooth as possible.


In addition to smoothing out her skin in the pictures, Guilfoyle also included some in which her face and neck seemed subtly different colors. That could be an issue with her makeup or lighting and not one of airbrushing, but it doesn't help dispel any photoshop accusations. Her face also appears less lined than her neck, which fuels ongoing speculation that Guilfoyle has had plastic surgery.

Kimberly Guilfoyle's seeming heavy handed photoshop is distracting

One particularly noteworthy image is that of Ronan Villency and Kimberly Guilfoyle at the Republican National Convention. Comparing Guilfoyle's picture side by side with an unretouched version of the photo, it seems clear that she did some work on the image before posting it.


Kimberly has a history of taking photoshop too far, so we can't say that we're surprised that her birthday shoutout to her son would include what seem to be some digitally airbrushed pics. We do have some theories as to why she might be doing it.

Aging in the public eye, especially for women, can be seen as a hindrance in a society that values youth and vitality. Guilfoyle might be trying to combat that scrutiny or to hold onto the image of herself built when she was a model. We can understand Kimberly's desire to look younger and control her appearance, and we also have to applaud Kimberly for (seemingly) leaving Ronan's face alone in her birthday tribute. That being said, we wish she'd use less of a heavy hand with photoshop. When it seems that obvious, it just draws negative attention.


