Did Michelle Obama Ever Get Plastic Surgery? Here's What She Said

It's no secret that society holds women to an unrealistic beauty standard. Not only are they expected to remain impossibly youthful well into maturity, but they're supposed to make doing so look effortless and natural. Yet, if a woman even so much as considers undergoing plastic surgery to maintain their appearance, they are mercilessly derided for their vanity. Few woman in American life are more familiar with this double-standard more Michelle Obama, who spent eight long years having everything from her cheekbones to her impressively muscular arms dissected by the ring-wing press.


However, when asked if she would consider having plastic surgery back in 2014, the former first lady offered a refreshingly candid response. Rather than shying away from the taboo subject, Mrs. Obama pushed back against stigma that all too often dominates the conversation around plastic surgery. Speaking on the eve of her 50th birthday, she told People (via CBS News), "Women should have the freedom to do whatever they need to do to feel good about themselves." She went on to admit that although she didn't expect to undergo any cosmetic procedures herself, she's learned to "never say never."

While it's unclear whether Mrs. Obama has elected to take the plunge in the decade since she made these comments, her nuanced take indicates she wouldn't have a problem telling people if she had. 


Michelle Obama's lifelong commitment to self-improvement

Michelle Obama's stance on plastic surgery isn't all that surprising when considering her lifelong commitment to self-improvement. As first lady of the United States, she spearheaded the "Let's Move!" initiative, which aimed to end childhood obesity by improving the nutritional value of school lunches and promoting a more active lifestyle in America's youth, and this mission to make Americans healthier has continued well into her post-White House career. 


Mrs. Obama's latest health-centric venture is PLEZi Nutrition, a food and beverage company aimed at providing parents with a "worry-free alternative" to sugary drinks juices, sodas, and snacks. Although she serves as the company's co-founder and strategic partner, Mrs. Obama is the first to admit that water and milk are still the most nutritious drink option for growing bodies. However, she also understands that limiting children to these drinks simply "isn't a reality" for most parents once their children become school-aged.

That said, Mrs. Obama's stated goal for PLEZi goes beyond providing children with healthy options at snack time. She hopes the company will help transform the food industry by setting "higher standards" for the nutritional content of food products.


