Glaring Red Flags In Joe Jonas & Sophie Turner's Marriage Before Their Messy Divorce

Back in the days when everyone was socially distancing during the pandemic, there were several celebrities who were seriously out of touch and failed to read the room. Complaining about being cooped up in their lavish mansions or having to take extreme measures to fly their guests on private jets to the islands they borrowed to have a party, the public was tired of hearing it. Then there were the down-to-earth celebrities, like Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner. They would share moments of themselves taking up TikTok challenges and working on the Hogwarts Lego set in their living room, and they quickly became everyone's favorite celebrity couple. That's why their divorce shocked fans everywhere, so what happened?


Before the divorce, there was a happy couple that started with a DM Jonas sent Turner in 2016. Then, there was a first meet, and despite Turner thinking it would be a disaster, the couple's relationship progressed quite rapidly. And just like that, in 2019, the two tied the knot and welcomed their first child in 2020. To the public, the newlyweds seemed to be living the perfect dream life, but as they say, all that glitters is not always gold.

When TMZ reported that Joe Jonas was meeting with divorce lawyers in September 2023, adoring fans were in disbelief. However, not long after the divorce was confirmed, people quickly began reassessing their relationship for red flags.

There were signs of trouble way before the divorce

In the eyes of adoring fans, Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner's divorce was a complete surprise, but according to reports, there was trouble long before the divorce. A source for Page Six said, Jonas was "incredibly checked out and detached ... way back in April [2023]." The source continued to explain, "Joe seemed very sensitive, almost touchy, when asked anything about his wife or family-related, so I'm guessing things were on the rocks with them before that."


In an exclusive interview with Elle in 2022, Turner acknowledged how lucky they were to live in Miami, but she was trying her best to stock up on British foods to make it feel more like her home in Warwickshire. It was obvious she was homesick as she explained that for [her] "mental health, I have to be around friends and family. ... England would ideally be my final destination." However, with Jonas' lifestyle and his family being based in the U.S., that didn't seem like a possibility in the near future.

Despite the two of them saying that Turner was more of the homebody than Jonas, shortly after the divorce was announced, rumors surfaced that Turner's party-girl lifestyle was allegedly a big factor that led to the divorce. Sources close to Jonas claimed he was the one making all of the sacrifices in the relationship. However, Turner disputed that narrative in a June 2024 interview with British Vogue. "I just kept having to say to myself, 'None of this is true. You are a good mum and you've never been a partier," she said. "It felt like I was watching a movie of my life that I hadn't written, hadn't produced, or starred in. It was shocking. I'm still in shock."


Life after divorce for Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner

Despite the heartbreak and the tabloid frenzy over their divorce, Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner didn't hesitate to move on in pursuit of relationships with new partners. Their joint divorce announcement (via Instagram) was posted on September 6, 2023. In late October of the same year, The Sun posted photos of Turner with British aristocrat, Peregrine Pearson. Soon after, in early January 2024, Jonas was seen boarding a private jet with actress, Stormi Bree.


Their new relationships aren't the only things that the public remains curious about. After a somewhat messy custody settlement, one in which Turner sued Jonas in an international custody battle, the public wants to know how they're doing as parents. At the time of writing, they share custody of their daughters, Willa and Delphine. In a September 2024 interview with The Times, she said, "it's a struggle being a single mother" while describing the life of her character, who is also a single mother. She also revealed to British Vogue (via YouTube) that she likes to cook for her daughters despite not being very good at it.

As the Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner continue to live their lives and thrive in their respective careers, they chose to keep their children out of the public eye — one of the smartest decisions celebrity parents can make for their children's privacy. The divorce and custody battle drama are now things of the past, and it's obvious Turner and Jonas were able to co-parent at peace, and along the way, found their own means of happiness.


