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Who Is JFK's Granddaughter Tatiana Schlossberg?

The Kennedy family reigns supreme as one of the best-known dynasties in politics. While many Kennedys have served America in Congress, others have branched out into different industries. Tatiana Schlossberg is the daughter of Caroline Kennedy and the granddaughter of Jackie and President John F. Kennedy. Her lineage is impressive, but Tatiana doesn't need to get by on the family name alone. Her talents as an author and journalist speak for themselves, but who exactly is she behind her famous name? 


Born in 1990, it's fair to say that Tatiana was welcomed into wealth. As well as being the daughter of a Kennedy heiress, Tatiana comes from good stock on her father's side, too. Edwin Arthur Schlossberg is a Colombia University alum and even has his own presidential ties — back in 2011, President Barack Obama gave him a seat on the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts. Tatiana's life has been shaped by her family heritage, so it's no surprise that she has continued in the arts herself. 

Outside of that, she's a mother and a wife, and through her illustrious career, she even somehow exposed a Kennedy misdemeanor without even realizing it. However, unlike some of her relatives, Tatiana tends to shy away from the spotlight, remaining somewhat of a mystery — though she's a Kennedy through and through.


Tatiana Schlossberg had a privileged upbringing

It probably goes without saying that the Kennedy family isn't at the lower end of the income spectrum. Tatiana Schlossberg's mother, Caroline Kennedy, revealed in 2013 a staggering net worth between $250 million and $500 million, according to ABC News. With that sort of money comes a charmed life, and though Schlossberg was largely shielded from press attention during her childhood, she lived in New York's affluent Upper East Side. This relatively incognito existence is particularly impressive considering just how politically active her mother was during her adolescence, making moves like bidding for the New York Senate seat in 2009 — though she ultimately withdrew her intention to replace Hillary Clinton. 


Even so, some evidence of Schlossberg's charmed younger life remains, such as the above photograph. Dressed in a stylish lavender coat with whited tights and black shoes, Schlossberg accompanied her mother to deliver the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award in 2000. Six years later, Schlossberg attended the Marc Jacobs Spring fashion show along with her sister, Rose, and her mom. These aren't the kind of opportunities everyone is afforded, and though details of Schlossberg's early life are limited, the snapshots of a privileged lifestyle speak for themselves.

Tatiana Schlossberg had a top-tier education

Celebs who have kids know the importance of a good education, and that's especially true for the Kennedy family. Overachieving is as natural to the Kennedys as reality TV is to the Kardashians. As such, Tatiana Schlossberg and her siblings were sent to some of the best schools in the country. Both Tatiana and her sister, Rose, went to Brearley School on Manhattan's Upper East Side. At the time of writing in September 2024, tuition for the full academic year is $64,100. To put it into perspective, Yahoo! Finance reported the median American income after tax to be $43,447 in 2024. The all-girls establishment has some pretty famous alumni, including Alexandra Daddario and Kyra Sedgwick. 


Once she graduated from the prestigious private school, Tatiana didn't exactly downgrade. She studied at Yale University, where she fine-tuned her passion for journalism while gaining a history degree, and found a place writing for the college's newspaper, the Yale Herald. Two top-notch schools weren't enough, and Tatiana took her academia overseas to study at the University of Oxford, where she graduated with a master's degree in American History in 2014. To say that Tatiana made the most of her education is an understatement.

Tatiana Schlossberg inherited a lot of money from her uncle

The tragedy surrounding the Kennedy family is well-documented, from the assassination of John F. Kennedy to the death of Michael Kennedy after a ski accident in 1997. Another devastating blow came in 1999, when Caroline Kennedy's brother and Tatiana Schlossberg's uncle, John F. Kennedy Jr., died when the plane he was flying crashed. His wife, Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy, and her sister, Lauren Bessette, also died when the plane went down 10 miles off of the coast near Martha's Vineyard. Schlossberg was 9 years old when her uncle died, and she, along with her siblings, was named in his will. 


John Jr.'s will initially read, according to the New York Post, "I give all my tangible personal property, wherever located ... to my wife, Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy, if she is living on the thirtieth day after my death." As we know, Carolyn died alongside him, and though mentioned in John Jr.'s will, they never had children. Schlossberg reportedly received personal possessions such as furniture and things that once belonged to her grandfather, John F. Kennedy, as well as John Jr.'s Tribeca apartment, which would have been divided between her siblings. Though monetary values of each possession weren't discussed at the time, John Jr.'s estate was thought to be worth around $100 million. 

It's worth noting that Caroline's children weren't the only beneficiaries. John Jr. left money to multiple family members and friends. Even so, it would've been a remarkable (albeit unwanted) windfall to receive at such a young age. 


Tatiana Schlossberg has been involved in charities for years

As one of America's most recognizable, prominent families, the Kennedys know how to give back. Perhaps thanks in part to the examples her relatives have set, Tatiana Schlossberg has always supported charities. In 2013, she joined her mother, Caroline Kennedy for a charity swim in New York's Hudson River. The mother-daughter duo completed three miles in a bid to raise money for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Besides the gallant dip in the murky waters of the Hudson, Schlossberg has often attended the JFK Library's Profile in Courage Award Gala and was also spotted at the American Ballet Theater's 70th Anniversary in 2010. 


Tatiana Schlossberg is also outspoken on climate change and has helped organizations such as the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Open Space Institute, and Mass Audubon spread the word. Her website cleverly states, "I have no scheduled events at this time. But you can change that!" and encourages companies to reach out to her agent to discuss opportunities. 

Tatiana Schlossberg got her big break at The Times in 2014

For many journalists, getting the chance to write for The New York Times is a dream come true. Some work for years to get a shot at writing for a paper of this stature, but Tatiana Schlossberg landed on her feet from the get-go. Schlossberg started out as an intern for the internationally-known publication in 2014, covering everything from politics to speed limit changes in New York. Early into her role at the prestigious publication, Schlossberg's second article dived into a lawsuit brought against the University of Connecticut by students who claimed the college failed to take allegations of sexual assault seriously. 


As her time with the paper progressed, Tatiana Schlossberg began to write the morning column "New York Today." When her interest in climate issues developed, her writing followed suit, and she moved over to the science section. Schlossberg stayed with the publication right up until 2023 and also worked for another paper, New Jersey's Bergen Record, as a crime reporter for a spell. 

Her last piece for The Times was titled "The Importance of Protecting Ocean Life" and was published on September 20th, 2023. Schlossberg has also contributed to Outside Online, the Washington Post, Vanity Fair, and more. When it comes to the written word, this Kennedy has the Midas touch. 

Tatiana Schlossberg once exposed a Kennedy misdemeanor without knowing it

John F. Kennedy's family has certainly been up to a lot since his death in 1963, and not all of it has been good. Believe it or not, Tatiana Schlossberg even unknowingly reported on a Kennedy transgression herself when writing for The New York Times in 2014. The strange and bizarre incident features Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and a dead bear cub. A dog walker found the bear cub in Central Park of all places, and as it was so out of place for the area, it was news. Incidentally, Schlossberg was the reporter who wrote The New York Times piece on it, but at the time, she had no idea that it was her mother's first cousin who placed the bear there — but how did Robert even come across the animal in the first place? 


Years later in 2024, Robert confessed to being the perp behind the deceased bear cub, as he geared up to run for the White House. In a video clip shared on X that shows him chatting with actress Roseanne Barr, Robert explained that he picked up the cub in Hudson Valley after spotting it dead on the road. Robert picked it up and planned to skin it. However, he seemingly forgot that he was a busy man with dinner plans followed by a trip to the airport, so he dumped it in Central Park. Thankfully for the presidential hopeful, authorities opted not to press charges against him.

Tatiana Schlossberg married her college sweetheart in 2017

There's no doubt that the Kennedy grandchildren have grown up to be gorgeous, so it's not shocking that Tatiana Schlossberg made a beautiful bride in 2017. The journalist tied the knot with her college sweetheart, George Moran, at the Kennedy family's famous Martha's Vineyard property. Photos released by the JFK Library show the happy couple grinning from ear to ear, with Schlossberg wearing a flowing white lace gown with a matching veil decorating a simple up-do. As for how the pair met, it was a classic love story. They first started dating while both attending Yale, and at the time of the wedding, Schlossberg was well on her way to becoming a successful journalist, while Moran was training to be a doctor.


Moran also comes from an impressive background, as his father is a businessman who runs his own charity, Year Up, which helps low-income people find their career path. Unlike other Kennedy weddings in history, Schlossberg kept this a low-profile affair far away from the prying eyes of the press. In stark comparison, John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Bouvier invited over 800 people to their lavish Rhode Island ceremony.

Tatiana Schlossberg became a certified author in 2019

By 2019, Tatiana Schlossberg had already established herself as one to watch, as a successful journalist writing about climate change and current affairs in New York. However, not content with just seeing her name on a byline, Schlossberg took it one step further and published a book titled "Inconspicuous Consumption: The Environmental Impacts You Don't Know You Have." The work was reviewed by Bill McKibben at The New York Times, and the write-up was largely positive. "You come away from her book with a stronger sense of the sheer largeness of the human enterprise — the number of us now consuming, and the overwhelming effect of all that volume," wrote McKibben. 


Tatiana Schlossberg went on a book tour to help promote her endeavor, which is packed full of worrying statistics about how much our daily routines damage the environment without us even realizing it. The young author also had enough self-awareness to admit during a Vanity Fair interview that her own habits as a wealthy woman may leave more of a carbon footprint than the average person. "I don't want people to read this book and then think, I have a pair of jeans and I feel bad, and then forget about it," she explained. "Once we know these things, and recognize the problems that they present, then we are responsible for fixing them." 

Though the book didn't end up on the best-seller list, perhaps because of its subject matter, it still did relatively well in terms of reviews. At the time of writing in September 2024, "Inconspicuous Consumption" has a 4.3-star rating on Amazon


Tatiana Schlossberg credits her famous grandfather for inspiring her

It's only to be expected that John F. Kennedy's family members would use him as a source of inspiration. After all, he was the president of the United States and died in tragic circumstances, serving his people. Tatiana Schlossberg has been open about how her late grandfather drove her passion for climate change, even though she never got to meet him. In an interview with Vanity Fair to celebrate her book launch, she explained, "My grandfather's speeches [inspire me]. I've read some of his books, but I think his speeches are incredibly powerful." She went on to point out some examples of his addresses that were notable to her, including one at the American University. 


"He talks about the environment — not in terms of climate change, but as an environmental issue of their time, which was nuclear war," Schlossberg continued, saying that her grandfather's sentiments helped her as she tried to spread awareness about climate change. Despite not being born until decades after her grandfather's death, Schlossberg has found her own way to remain connected to her heritage. 

Tatiana Schlossberg became a mother in 2022

In 2022, Tatiana Schlossberg became a mother for the first time. She welcomed a son alongside her husband of five years, George Moran. In a funny turn of events, the happy news wasn't announced by the couple themselves, but by Tatiana's brother, Jack Schlossberg. During an interview on the "Today Show" to promote the Profile in Courage Award, Jack revealed that his nephew had arrived, and even told the world the little boy's name. "His name is Edwin," he revealed. "But I like to call him Jack." The happy uncle confessed his love for his sister and nephew. 


In true Tatiana fashion, she has chosen to shy away from the spotlight and try to protect her son from the glare of the media since his birth. Tatiana doesn't have social media and hasn't released any official photographs of her bundle of joy. The press, for the most part, seems to have respected her privacy, though the New York Post did publish a photograph of Tatiana cradling her son in a baby carrier back in April 2022. 

Tatiana Schlossberg hosted royalty in 2022

In the same year that Tatiana Schlossberg became a mother, she also hosted one of the most famous royals in history: Prince William. The future king of England was given the A-list treatment when he toured the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library with Tatiana and her brother, Jack Schlossberg, along with their mother, Caroline Kennedy. Tatiana looked regal herself, wearing a form-fitting red dress with her hair in loose waves. Though Catherine, Princess of Wales, wasn't by William's side for this particular event, the couple traveled to Boston for the Earthshot Prize Awards Ceremony. The visit was short and sweet, lasting just three days before the royals hopped back on their plane. 


After Tatiana and her family's moment with William came to an end, the prince went on to meet Joe Biden at the library for lunch. Though Tatiana hasn't spoken about the experience, it's telling of her position within the Kennedy family that she was there to host the senior royal. Considering how she always handles herself with grace and dignity, it's not hard to see why. 

