Gavin Newsom's In-Laws Have One Major Thing In Common With His Ex Kimberly Guilfoyle

Something you might not know about Kimberly Guilfoyle is that, before she became engaged to Donald Trump Jr., the former Fox News host was married to California Governor Gavin Newsom. In fact, Guilfoyle was at Newsom's side when he was appointed as the mayor of San Francisco, and she used to push the Democratic agenda right alongside him. Now, of course, the staunch Trump loyalist is doing the exact opposite. Guilfoyle and Newsom both moved on incredibly fast after their marriage, with the governor eventually marrying Jennifer Siebel. And, interestingly enough, certain members of her family have something in common with Guilfoyle: They're avid Trump supporters.


As the 2024 presidential race heated up, it came to light that Siebel's second cousin once removed, Tom Siebel, hosted a fundraiser for the Trump campaign. Not only that, but he also donated generously to various Republican PACs. This stands in stark contrast with Newsom and his wife's politics, since they publicly supported President Joe Biden during his re-election campaign and subsequently backed Kamala Harris when Biden dropped out of the race. Newsom has also been very critical of Trump. Speaking on the "Politickin'" podcast, he decried the divisive politician. "Bullies are the weakest people in the world," Newsom said. "They put on a mask [...] They're broken, they're insecure." 

The former "Apprentice" host, in turn, gifted Newsom one of his famous nicknames: "Newscum." Guilfoyle, on the other hand, has been singing (and at times screaming) Trump's praises wherever she goes, most notably during the Republican National Convention. "I know personally what every American has now seen with their own eyes! I know the measure of the man that stands before us, Donald Trump will never stop fighting for you! Join me in voting for Donald J. Trump, our president again!" she enthused during her rousing speech (via YouTube). 


Gavin Newsom has several Republican in-laws

As it turns out, Jennifer Siebel's distant cousin isn't the only Republican in-law that Gavin Newsom has to contend with. Siebel's parents, Kenneth and Judith Siebel, are also avid supporters who donated to controversial Florida Governor Ron DeSantis back in 2022. No doubt this makes for some awkward family dinners. DeSantis doesn't like Newsom, and the feeling is mutual, but we have to admit that it's kind of ironic that the governor's second marriage has landed him with Republican in-laws, given that his ex-wife is an outspoken Democrat-turned-Republican cheerleader for Trump.


The former Fox News host would likely commend the Siebels for their generous donation. While her praise for DeSantis quickly dried up once he announced his own presidential bid in May 2023 (Guilfoyle warned Newsmax at the time that DeSantis would "get hurt and damaged badly"), she quickly praised the governor when he endorsed Trump after leaving the race for the Republican nomination in January 2024. Guilfoyle posted a screenshot of the endorsement to her Instagram, captioning it, "Thank you Governor @rondesantis. Time to unite so we can crush Joe Biden in November!"

