What To Know About Lauren Boebert's Controversial Theater Date, Quinn Gallagher

Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert does not have the best taste in men. Her marriage to Jayson Boebert, which began under questionable circumstances, ultimately ended in divorce in 2023. The ex-couple shares four sons together, and Jayson has had plenty of trouble with the law over the past two decades. Now that she's a single woman, she's been linked to different men, including 50 Cent and Quinn Gallagher.


According to Newsweek, Gallagher is a co-owner of Hooch Craft Cocktail Bar, located in Aspen, Colorado. In September 2023, Gallagher was Boebert's date to "Beetlejuice: The Musical" at Temple Hoyne Buell Theatre. Going on a date itself wasn't the breaking news story, however. What went viral online was the fact both of them were ultimately kicked out of the venue for allegedly causing a disruption during the performance.

Per an incident report obtained by NBC News, Gallagher and Boebert were accused of vaping and singing along during the show. They were ultimately escorted out, and the security footage showed Boebert wearing an inappropriate outfit for a family-friendly musical. Newsweek also reported they allegedly groped each other during the performance.


Lauren Boebert's date co-owns a drag queen-friendly bar

After the incident, the Daily Mail revealed that Quinn Gallagher was the mystery man with Lauren Boebert that night. The publication quoted a source who said Gallagher was a Democrat, adding how Gallagher's parents would allegedly not support their son's dating choice because they are Democrats.


Like Boebert, Gallagher is a divorced, single parent raising a teenage son. The Daily Mail also reported the couple have been together for months, which raises eyebrows if you do the math. Boebert filed for divorce in May 2023 and it was finalized in October 2023. The "Beetlejuice" date took place in September 2023. Boebert shared in a written statement about the divorce that she's "always been faithful in [her] marriage" (via The Colorado Sun). It hasn't been revealed exactly when Boebert and Gallagher began dating, but the Daily Mail noted that both parties are from the same hometown: Rifle, Colorado.

Newsweek reported that Boebert said the date with Gallagher was their first, but a former employee of Gallagher's disputed that claim. Drag queen Kendra Matic — real name Alejandro Lucchetta — allegedly performed at Gallagher's bar and told TMZ she already knew about Gallagher and Boebert dating before the "Beetlejuice" situation. Matic said Gallagher was "an amazing guy." It's interesting that Gallagher has hosted drag queen events at his bar, because Boebert is ardently against them. She once tweeted during Pride Month 2022, "Take your children to CHURCH, not drag bars." Maybe opposites really do attract?


