Don Jr.'s Comments On Trump's Bizarre 'Do Betray His Own Hairstyle Insecurities

As we get older, many of us are faced with the possibility of turning into our parents. This is something to which Donald Trump Jr. can surely relate. With a name like that, the former president's oldest son certainly has some interesting shoes to fill. Yet, it's the Trump genes that seem to have Donald Jr. most worried — it's the possibility of getting Donald Trump's hair that may have him most concerned about the aging process.


On September 16, Donald gave a live-streamed interview with Magno News. Donald Jr. and his brother, Eric Trump, joined the call, among many others. Donald's sons were there to support him as he discussed cryptocurrency and the economy. It was when the conversation turned to Donald's hair, though, that Donald Jr. had a lot to say — perhaps even too much. The former president's hair is often a topic of conversation with some thinking that his brightly colored, lush mane may be a hairpiece, but Donald has always been adamant that his hair is real. The interviewer commented on Donald's "incredible" hair and Donald Jr. cheekily replied that he refrains from picking on his dad's unique mane.

"As a Trump who may or may not one day inherit the Trump hair genes, I don't make fun," Donald Jr. explained. "I don't mock it, 'cause you never know..." It's understandable that Donald Jr. doesn't want to throw stones from his genetically predisposed glass house. Yet, he lingered on the topic a bit longer, indicating that his hair insecurities may not all be a laughing matter.


Donald Jr.'s over-explaining about his hair got him into trouble

Rather than dropping the conversation about Donald Trump's hair, Donald Trump Jr. was careful to note that, while his dad's hair situation may be in his future, he's not there yet. "So far at 46, I'm doing pretty good on the hair department," Donald Jr. explained. He added, "I'm an old man!" and noted that, while he has white hairs in his beard, his hair hasn't started to change color yet. This already seemed like the talk of someone who was a bit self-conscious about their age and looks, but he ended the commentary with what could be easily viewed as a dig at his dad. "I'm not vain enough to dye it, so we're good, so far," he claimed. 


Amidst Donald Jr.'s over-explaining about the state of his hair and aging process, this comment was likely an attempt to assure folks listening that his hair is au naturel. Yet, it's difficult to ignore what this means about his dad.

Most of the aspects of Donald's hair that make it look strange are likely his own doing. He clearly colors his locks and styles them into his unique, signature coif. So, is Donald Jr. accidentally calling his dad vain? It certainly seems that way. Luckily for Donald Jr., though, Donald's 70s have been his worst hair decade, so even if he's feeling insecure about his age, he likely has a while to go before he reaches his dad's level.

