The Most Inappropriate Outfits Lauren Boebert Has Ever Worn

Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert continues to ruffle feathers when it comes to her comments about topics, such as the Second Amendment and abortion, and she has been at the center of several controversies since taking office — some involving her oldest son, Tyler and others concerning her ex-husband, Jayson. But that's not all. She's also a hot mess express when it comes to her outfit choices for various events. (Seriously, who wears high heels to a construction site?)


Whether it's wearing a shirt that seems to poke fun at the death of another human being, using a gun as a fashion accessory at a family-friendly celebration, or sporting a revealing dress to a movie theater, the comments on the mother of four's social media are filled with people trying to make sense of her decisions, as well as bluntly judging her fashion selections. Some choices came across as quite tacky, while others felt like they had darker undertones.

When she used the death of a cinematographer to further her agenda

In November 2021, about a month after the tragic accidental death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the film set of "Rust," Lauren Boebert wore a shirt that was a play on the popular NRA slogan, "Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People." Her shirt read, "Guns Don't Kill People Alec Baldwin Does," referring to the fact that Baldwin was the person who pulled the trigger on the prop gun that led to Hutchins' death.


Boebert is a huge supporter of the Second Amendment and has been seen packing heat at events. However, using the death of someone else as a way to show support for gun ownership is tasteless. Her Instagram caption read, "It's frustrating that people who have little to no understanding of basic firearm safety are the same people who want to take them away. I will always defend the 2nd Amendment!"

Comments regarding her outfit choice were blunt, to say the least. "This isn't a f***ing joke," one person wrote. Another one said Boebert was being "disrespectful" to Hutchins and her loved ones. A third person simply commented, "Uvalde," presumably referring to the Uvalde school shooting that left 21 people dead in May 2022.


When she purposely disrespected President Joe Biden

Whether someone agrees with another person's politics or not, those in the public eye should still maintain some sort of professionalism. Unfortunately, Lauren Boebert didn't see things that way when she wore a red dress with the words "Let's go Brandon" printed on the back while standing next to her friend, former President Donald Trump. The phrase became a childish way for Republicans to insult or swear at President Joe Biden without actually saying anything mean.


Boebert captioned the November 2021 snapshot with, "It's not a phrase, it's a movement!" and credited Andre Soriano as the fashion designer. Maybe opting for the "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" mindset would've been a better way to go, instead of insulting the president and being coy about it. One person called the dress "tacky" on Instagram, while another told Boebert to "avoid cursing people."

People also noted how Boebert's behind was proudly on display, which doesn't seem like an appropriate fashion choice for a politician representing the American people.

When she didn't have her priorities in order

For Flag Day in 2020, Lauren Boebert went to Grand Junction, Colorado to celebrate with fellow conservatives. The shirt she wore — while making it clear she was packing heat with a gun holstered to her hip — read, "God Guns Trump." For a politician who is supposedly huge on family values, this outfit missed the mark because it omitted "Family" or "Kids" from the lineup. Surely she values her family more than her weapon?


Many people took to the comments on her Instagram carousel of the event to share their disapproval of her decision to wear a gun to the celebration. "The way she uses that gun strap like a fashion trend," someone wrote. "Put the weapon away! You're going to hurt someone!" warned another.

The lack of commas on her shirt could also be interpreted as God is arming former President Donald Trump with guns. Whether that was the message of the shirt or not, it's still inappropriate to wear a shirt glorifying guns — while also carrying a gun — to a community event that included families.

When she got way too dressed up to meet workers on a construction site

In May 2023, Lauren Boebert visited a construction site where there will eventually be a reservoir. The congresswoman explained on Facebook she was "working to secure critical funding for water storage and delivery projects that will store water during dry times and combat western drought." However, Boebert's outfit choice raised a lot of eyebrows, as she wore a knee-length turquoise dress and pumps. Wearing closed-toe shoes with a proper heel to a construction site is a no-brainer, but Boebert decided to ignore safety regulations and overdress for the event and subsequent photoshoot.


One person commented on Boebert's Facebook post, "If you took this seriously, you would've dressed appropriately. Photo ops are irrelevant to voters." Another asked, "Who wears high heel shoes to a construction site?" Moreover, someone else told Boebert she was "out of touch with the people," wondering why anyone would wear "high heels and a tight fitting dress" to a construction site.

Interestingly, an unrelated construction company in Denver, Colorado — the state Boebert represents — actually has a page on their website titled "Visiting a Jobsite 101." In the safety section, the company wrote, "Heels should never be worn on-site, even if they are closed-toe."

When she wore a 't***y dress' to a movie theater

There's always bound to be one rowdy person in a theater these days, but for people at the Buell Theatre in Denver, Colorado on September 10, 2023, that unruly person was none other than Lauren Boebert. According to Yahoo! Entertainment, the politician attended a performance of "Beetlejuice" with a male companion (named Quinn Gallagher, per the Daily Mail) and the duo were reportedly "vaping, singing" and "causing a disturbance" during the show.


The troublemakers were eventually escorted out by security, and the security footage showed Boebert wearing a tight, low-cut dress that showed a lot of cleavage. As a politician elected by the public, Boebert should have held herself to a higher standard in response to both her behavior and clothing. Following the incident, a caller asked Howard Stern his thoughts on the situation during "The Howard Stern Show." Stern did not hold back, calling her "a disgrace to this country" and saying she wore "a t***y dress."


Boebert didn't comment about her outfit choice but she did admit she was being disruptive in a tongue-in-cheek post to X, formerly known as Twitter. She also apologized in a statement, as reported by The Colorado Sun. "The past few days have been difficult and humbling, and I'm truly sorry for the unwanted attention my Sunday evening in Denver has brought to the community," she said, adding, "I simply fell short of my values."

