William's Air Force Return Spotlights Tough Year With Kate In Heartbreaking Side-By-Side Photos

Queen Elizabeth II memorably referred to 1992 as her "annus horribilis," a Latin phrase that roughly translates to a pretty catastrophic year. Longtime pundits will remember that 1992 was certainly worthy of the title — the royal family weathered several messy divorces, scandals, and ultimately, a devastating fire at Windsor Castle. And now, Prince William might be tempted to dub 2024 as his own annus horribilis. Not only was his father King Charles III diagnosed with cancer in February, but his wife, Catherine, Princess of Wales, received the same diagnosis shortly thereafter. The media tempests, speculation, conspiracy theories, and brouhaha that followed could not have been easy on his family. 


As such, when the Prince of Wales attended an event for the Royal Air Force at the same base where he graduated years ago, people couldn't help but compare his somber expression to the look of delight William had on his face back in 2008 when he was accompanied by a similarly smiley Kate Middleton. William's visit to the base took place a few days after his beloved wife publicly confirmed that she had finally completed her chemotherapy after nine long months. In her Instagram announcement, the princess was refreshingly open about how challenging 2024 has been. 

"The cancer journey is complex, scary and unpredictable for everyone, especially those closest to you," Kate wrote in part. "Although I have finished chemotherapy, my path to healing and full recovery is long and I must continue to take each day as it comes." While the prince's speech at the 2024 graduation ceremony was filled with hope, many noticed that he looked a bit subdued regardless, and it's likely because William had the princess on his mind throughout the event.


The Prince and Princess of Wales are going through a very tough time

Prince William wasn't initially set to attend the Royal Air Force graduation ceremony — it was on King Charles III's schedule, but doctors advised the monarch to take it easy for a few days instead. Charles is still currently undergoing cancer treatment and his schedule is understandably subject to sudden change as a result. Kate Middleton's health issues, as well as those of his beloved father, likely weighed heavily on the Prince of Wales's mind as he addressed graduates at the ceremony. Visiting the base surely brought with it some bittersweet memories of William's own graduation, which was attended by both his wife and his father. The Princess of Wales was still just William's girlfriend back then, and royal watchers were excited to see her at such a milestone event, speculating that it was a good sign that she and William would someday get married. 


Indeed, the prince proposed just two years later. Pictures of the royal couple on the day (see above) show a much younger Kate dressed to the nines alongside a beaming William, resplendent in his RAF uniform. When comparing this happy, carefree photograph to the more recent snap of William at the graduation ceremony, on the right, the difference in his demeanor will tug at even the coldest of hearts. 

Aside from looking older than he did in 2008, which is only natural, there's also a sadness behind his eyes that can only be attributed to the tough year the prince has weathered with his family. During a June 5 appearance in Portsmouth, William was asked if his wife was "getting any better." At the time, the prince confirmed "Yes," sadly adding, "She would've loved to be here today," (via Good Morning America). 


