Collin Gosselin Makes His Most Disturbing Claims Against Mom Kate Yet

This article contains allegations of child abuse.

It turns out there was a lot happening behind the scenes of "Jon & Kate Plus 8," particularly when it came to Collin Gosselin. The reality show debuted in 2007 and ran for 10 years. It followed the hectic lives of Jon and Kate Gosselin and their eight children — twin girls born in 2000 and sextuplets born in 2004.


Jon and Kate ended up divorcing in 2009 with Kate getting full custody of the kids. However, one of the sextuplets, Collin, went to live with Jon Gosselin in 2018 after having been institutionalized at the age of 12. Collin has now come out with more claims about what life was like with Kate, and the situation sounds pretty horrific. In a September 2024 interview with The U.S. Sun, he spoke about his reality star mom being "physically aggressive." He said that "multiple times she had zip tied my hands and feet together and bolt locked the door, turned the lights off and had cameras there just watching me in that room." According to Collin, he would be left like that for hours at a time.

Kate Gosselin hasn't admitted any wrongdoing

To add insult to injury, Collin Gosselin said he felt isolated and alone and Kate Gosselin reportedly told him that he wouldn't be believed if he tried to tell anyone about what she was doing. Collin also told The U.S. Sun that his mother had been "verbally very abusive."


Hannah Gosselin, one of Collin's sisters, talked about what she saw with her brother for the VICE TV series "Dark Side of the 2000s." "He would be separated from us," Hannah said via TikTok. "Like, he would not get to come and play outside with us. He would eat dinner at different times than us." 

Kate Gosselin has talked a bit about the challenges she faced with Collin in the past, though she never mentioned anything about keeping him confined and alone in a dark room. In 2016, after Collin was sent away from home, she told People: "Collin has special needs. [There's] a fairly fluid diagnosis of what those needs are, but he needs to learn certain strategies to help him deal with things. This has been a struggle we've had for a very long time, and it's one I've dealt with on my own." After the VICE TV series aired in 2023, Kate posted about Collin on Instagram, saying he had a "distorted perception of reality." He was also not included in a photo celebrating the sextuplets 20th birthday, nor was Hannah. As of this writing, Kate has yet to respond to the latest allegations from Collin.


If you or someone you know may be the victim of child abuse, please contact the Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-4-A-Child (1-800-422-4453) or contact their live chat services.

