Kelly Osbourne Just Can't Dodge Plastic Surgery Rumors

As the daughter of famous rocker Ozzy Osbourne, Kelly Osbourne has been in the spotlight most of her life. As a kid, Kelly appeared in one of her dad's music videos, and by her late teens, she was fully in the public eye. She appeared in her own music videos and participated with her family in their reality show, "The Osbournes." With all the attention that's been placed on her appearance over the years, Kelly's dealt with recurring claims she's had plastic surgery. 


In August 2023, after Kelly posted a pic on Instagram, some fans asserted her appearance had changed due to plastic surgery. These accusations continued as Kelly posted additional pictures of herself on the platform. In December 2023, Kelly addressed these unfounded claims with a sense of humor. "I do love all the plastic surgery rumors," she told "Extra." "I've never had it, although I do want to get some," she laughed. On her family's podcast, Kelly claimed plastic surgery would be a great Christmas gift, and her parents immediately tried to dissuade her. 

Kelly later indicated that she didn't really intend to pursue any cosmetic procedures for herself. "I am a huge fan of plastic surgery," Kelly enthusiastically informed People in May 2024. She believed it was a useful tool in helping people have a positive self-image. However, she clearly stated, "I've never done anything but Botox. I'm too scared." After observing the plastic surgery experiences of her mom, Sharon Osbourne, Kelly decided it wasn't something she wanted.


Kelly's post-pregnancy look led to false plastic surgery claims

Sadly, Kelly Osbourne's appearance has been scrutinized for decades, and she's had to endure body shaming throughout her on-camera career. On "The Osbournes Podcast," Kelly relayed what she was told in the early 2000s: "I was too fat for TV, and I needed to lose weight, and that if I lost weight, I would look better." During her pregnancy with her son, Sidney, Kelly refrained from sharing pictures because she didn't want to deal with critiques about her appearance.


When she did return to social media after she gave birth, some commenters mistakenly attributed her look to plastic surgery. Kelly corrected these mistaken impressions, letting fans know that her face looked different because of weight loss. "I 100% caved into losing the baby weight," Kelly explained to Fox News. "I'm happy I lost it, but it was because I didn't want to be picked on." In addition, Kelly was also motivated to lose weight for health reasons since gestational diabetes during her pregnancy increased her chances of becoming diabetic later.

Besides weight loss, Kelly's also been candid about the nonsurgical treatments she's gotten to change her look by tightening her skin. In May 2024, she shared an Instagram video while she got Emsculpt Neo for her abs and Emface on her cheeks and chin. These treatments target muscles, and create a sensation that Kelly described as "the most intense workout ... without sweating."


Kelly's gastric sleeve surgery triggered cosmetic surgery speculation

In August 2020, Kelly Osbourne posted an Instagram update that showed how dramatic weight loss changed her appearance. Kelly lost 85 pounds as a result of changing lifestyle habits and a 2018 gastric sleeve procedure. Even though she was forthcoming about the process, some individuals made claims that Kelly also had plastic surgery. To dispel these rumors, she explained that one of the biggest changes to her face happened due to treatment for a TMJ disorder. "They gave me injections in my jaw, and it kind of makes my jaw look skinnier," Kelly explained on the "Hollywood Raw" podcast. "I will never lie about anything that I've done, and I always want to share what I've done so that people can do it, too." 


Unfortunately, plastic surgery accusations persisted, and nine months later, Kelly took to Instagram to address them. She reaffirmed her commitment to honesty, and informed viewers that she's only had "injections in my lips, in my jaw, and in my forehead."

Besides exposing these ongoing rumors, Kelly is also endeavoring to change the conversation about plastic surgery. Even though she hasn't explored it herself, she'd like to remove the stigma and secrecy of it. Instead, she is a proponent of people doing what's right for them and celebrating it. "The road to happiness is different for everybody," Kelly informed the Daily Mail. "Instead of picking apart the journey, they should just be happy that you reached your destination."


