We Wanted To See JD Vance Without Facial Hair & We Turned The Clock Back Way Too Far

The presidential election is not just about the presidential candidates, but also about the vice presidents they've chosen to run alongside. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz seem to be in harmony in many ways, but the same can't be said for Donald Trump and JD Vance. Vance may have admitted Trump doesn't want to be seen with him in an interview, and Vance has also swirled up a lot of negative press for things like hypocritically calling Walz a "schoolyard bully" and picking a fight with President Joe Biden's dog


Vance and Walz have also been compared often, including in a 2024 poll from USA Today and Suffolk University, where a survey respondent named Tammy Ferrell shared her feelings on the potential vice presidents. Whereas Walz seemed like an authentic person, Ferrell said of Vance, "I don't feel he's someone that can relate to everyday life."

Beyond reporting on criticisms of Vance, The List has speculated what Vance would look like without his rumored eyeliner. One of Static Media's photo editors also exclusively showed us how Vance would look if he was clean-shaven.

Clean-shaven Vance looks a lot younger (like his previous anti-Trump self)

Without the facial hair he's usually seen with, we turned the clock back too far for JD Vance. He has a case of baby face and looks a lot more youthful. If some gray hairs were not visible in his sideburns, Vance could maybe even look like he was a decade or so younger than he is (he turned 40 in August 2024).


The fresh-faced photo of Vance that Static Media editors whipped up hearkens back to his looks from the days when he was vocally anti-Donald Trump. A CNN video compilation posted in July 2024 compared his current support of Trump to his previous dislike. In a clip from "Charlie Rose" in 2016, a clean-shaven Vance said, "Right, I'm a never-Trump guy. I never liked him." In another clip, Vance said he wouldn't vote for Trump at the time, although he has completely switched up his views on Trump since then.

For more, check out how Vance's looks would change if he sported Trump's notorious hairdo.

