Donald Trump Is Desperate To Talk About Ivanka On Campaign Trail But She Couldn't Care Less

Of all Donald Trump's kids, one has consistently stood out from the rest. Ivanka Trump has maintained her distance from the rhetoric and mud-slinging that's characteristic of her father, brothers, and sisters-in-law. Even during her four years as the president's advisor, the elder Trump daughter maintained a diplomatic air — a fact her dad pointed out during a recent campaign stop. 


Appearing at a D.C.-based event sponsored by the conservative group Moms for Liberty, the former president addressed a question about working with his children (seen here on X, formerly Twitter). Trump admitted he probably wouldn't ask them to hold positions in a new administration because it would be "unfair to them."  He went on to explain that Ivanka had given up her successful clothing and accessory line in order to join his team. "But she gave it up because she wanted to go," he said. "And she didn't want something like the United Nations secretary. I wanted her to do that. I said, you would be a great ambassador to the United Nations, United Nations secretary. There'd be nobody to compete with her. She may be my daughter, but nobody could have competed with her, with her rat-tat-tat." (He appeared to be confusing the positions of U.S. ambassador to the U.N. with the U.N. Secretary-General.)


But Ivanka, who appears to be done with politics for good, has said nothing about her father's claim — or about much else, for that matter. Her last Instagram post, from August 16, was a video in which she showed off her surfing technique at a man-made wave facility in California. 

Ivanka Trump is keeping to her word to stay out of politics

Following the 2020 presidential election, Ivanka Trump and her family promptly moved out of Washington, and they have maintained a quiet life in Florida ever since. She posts only occasionally on social media: photos of family vacations and birthdays, or spiritual quotes illustrating her Zen state of mind. If she has an opinion about her father or his actions, she keeps it to herself. In a recent podcast, what Ivanka didn't say about her father spoke volumes: She spoke of her love for him but didn't defend him against the allegations made against him in his court appearance.


There might just be a silent factor behind the eldest Trump daughter's silence: Biographers have hinted Ivanka reportedly wanted to take on the responsibilities of the first lady in place of stepmom Melania Trump. If true, perhaps she harbors some resentment over being her father's advisor rather than assuming the more glamorous job of being the White House hostess. On the other hand, she may be relieved not to have potentially set herself up for the mockery Melania has endured. The former first lady's "Be Best" initiative has raised eyebrows for both its oddly worded name and for its lack of visibility since her husband's administration.

Ivanka appeared with her family at the Republican National Convention to support her father's nomination but hasn't been seen at campaign events since then. It's safe to assume she'll keep her U.N.-worthy diplomatic silence and stay under the radar till election night.


