5 Times Lara Trump's Wild Claims About Donald Came Back To Bite Her

Lara Trump's meteoric rise within the Republican party is the stuff of Washington dreams. Detractors have credited nepotism for her political gains. However, Lara no doubt worked hard to claw her way up the greasy political pole with her tireless support of Donald Trump and never-ending stream of wild claims in his defense. Claims that, more often than not, have resulted in some of Lara's most controversial moments and elicited ridicule and scorn.


As the new GOP it girl, Lara's future within the RNC is bright. She's seemingly toppled her sister-in-law, Ivanka Trump, from the position of MAGA heir apparent — an impressive achievement given the Trump family reportedly disliked Lara before she joined the clan. Donald's former fixer, Michael Cohen, claimed his ex-boss tried to talk Eric Trump into ditching Lara and marrying another lucky lady instead. And it wasn't just Donald who was hating on her. Eric's siblings were also purportedly in on the act. "They all made fun of her looks. They just didn't like her at all," Cohen said on the "Political Beatdown" podcast in February 2024.

Still, Lara eventually won them over and rose through the ranks to become the RNC co-chair and a fixture on the campaign trail, where she spouts alternative facts, fallacies, and outrageous allegations. We're looking at five times Lara's wild claims came back to bite her.


Donald is a champion of women

Lara Trump's many wild claims about Donald Trump prove she doesn't let facts get in the way of a good narrative. In March 2018, she claimed Donald had appointed more women to his administration than his predecessors. "The president actually has a lot of women in his administration," Maria Bartiromo noted during a "Fox Business Network" interview with Lara. "Yes, the most of any president, I believe, and one of the, I think, the first to have a woman in charge of the campaign, so there you go," she replied.


Fact-checking Lara's claim, Kellyanne Conway was the third woman to head up a presidential campaign, behind Susan Estrich (Mike Dukakis) in 1988 and Donna Brazile (Al Gore) in 2000. She was the first, though, to run a winning one. As for female hires, according to The Center for Women and Politics, Trump's administration was 26% female, compared to 35% in Obama's second administration and 41% in Clinton's.

Meanwhile, despite Donald's vicious and misogynistic attacks on women, Lara claimed he isn't one to judge appearances. "Donald Trump has never cared about how you look," she proclaimed at a 2020 campaign event in Pennsylvania (via C-SPAN). Donald's history of insults against women speaks for itself, though. "The Face of a Dog!" Donald branded New York Times columnist Gail Collins (via The New York Times). "A person who is very flat-chested is very hard to be a 10," he said of Nicollette Sheridan on "The Howard Stern Show" (via BuzzFeed News). In another episode of the show he critiqued a pregnant Kim Kardashian, saying (via BuzzFeed News): "Does she have a good body? No. ... Does she have a fat a**? Absolutely."


Nobody's had it tougher than Donald

Donald Trump loves to boast that he's biglyer than everyone. This avowal extends even to his self-perceived persecution at the hands of the world's press and the U.S. justice system. Nobody has it tougher than Donald Trump — according to Donald Trump. And Lara, of course. She jumped on the victimization bandwagon and ran with it.


"If you want to look at a family, and I'll say a man in Donald Trump, who has had nothing but misinformation and disinformation, as they like to say on the other side of the aisle, thrown at him every single day. I mean, there's never been anyone in history I don't think that has taken as much incoming as Donald Trump," she told "Newsmax" in April 2024. "Yet every day it feels like we are vindicated in so many spaces because at some point, Carl, the truth ultimately comes out," Lara continued, without even a hint of irony.

Social media was quick to pounce. "Charity thief Lara Trump...no one wants to hear your bull****. Thanks, no thanks," a commenter posted on X, formerly known as Twitter. "Abraham Lincoln and JFK would like to have a word with you," a second wrote. "Don't forget Garfield and McKinley!" a third chimed in. Then, of course, there's the matter of the Trump-fueled birther conspiracy that still continues to this day. "Barack Obama had to release his long-form birth certificate because some racist a****** claimed he was born in Kenya," another detractor fumed.


Donald is a force in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights

Donald Trump is an LGBTQ+ champion and tireless force in the fight for equal rights — which is something somebody may want to tell the LGBTQ+ community. Luckily, Lara Trump is more than happy to take on that task. "Donald Trump has been the most pro-gay American president in history. That is a true story," Lara told the Pennsylvania crowd at a Trump Pride event in 2020 (via C-SPAN), seemingly unaware that simply adding "a true story" to the end of a claim does not, in fact, make it a true story. "Donald Trump led the way for decriminalizing homosexuality around the world," she claimed. "The only president to do that, ladies and gentlemen."


Lara's baseless and wild claim has aged like a pint of raw milk. GLAAD noted that the Trump administration was dedicated to demolishing safeguards for the LGBTQ+ community, including attempts to eliminate anti-discrimination mandates, opposing the Equality Act, and implementing the Equal Access Rule that allows single-sex shelters to refuse transgender people. Trump has vowed to continue his fight against LGBTQ+ measures and protections, with an especially sharp focus on the transgender community.

Not surprisingly, many on social media aren't buying Lara's claim. "Trump doesn't believe in anything. He has no clue what LGBTQ stands for. He says what Miller tells him to say that day," an X commenter posted. "All while maintaining most of his support from evangelicals," another noted.


Donald is leading the country

Lara Trump exceeded even herself with the claim that Donald Trump was guiding the USA — when he wasn't even in office. "The fact that you have Donald Trump leading the country right now when he is not officially yet back in the White House speaks volumes to the American people and, I think, to the rest of the world," she told Fox News in June 2024. "He is the leader we need right now and he is leading despite the fact Joe Biden is technically the president," she added, vowing Trump would win by a landslide in November.


People were quick to point out that Biden wasn't "technically" the president; he was, in fact, "the president" voted into office by the U.S. public in November 2020. Others were just confused and flabbergasted by the claim.

"I think that Lara Trump is nuttier than the Donald. Whatever mental condition he has, I think she has 'caught it!' Let them both keep making fools of themselves. It's entertaining!" a commenter posted on X. "wait what?" another asked. "she is so confuse specially with all those grammy nominations for that great album," a third joked, referencing Lara's rocky music career


Donald is a bastion of truth

Lara Trump was on fighting form while discussing the Durham Report, which determined that the FBI mishandled its investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign. Donald Trump vehemently denied collusion and felt vindicated by John Durham's findings. Although, despite Donald's insistence that "the crime of the century" would be uncovered, the report just called the FBI's failures "extremely troublesome" and didn't recommend any further action be taken.


Still, Lara seized the opportunity to big up Donald and his honesty. "How many times has what he said actually come true? Pretty much everything he ever talked about — and, by the way, he was mocked for saying — have all come true," she claimed in a May 2023 interview with Newsmax. This was a wild claim, even by Lara's wild claim standards. The Washington Post estimated that Donald made more than 30,000 false or misleading statements during his presidency, while CNN fact checker Daniel Dale counted at least 22 false claims during Donald's 92-minute July 2024 RNC speech.

X lit up with comments from people eager to school Lara. "Oh, @LaraLeaTrump. He didn't even finish the wall — and Mexico didn't pay for it," one wrote. "He was wrong about Covid-19, the election. And like 1000 other things but hey that family lies so much they don't know what the truth is," a second noted. "So, Trump did win the 2020 election?" a third said.


