Alina Habba's Not-So-Subtle Flexing Pokes Holes In One Of Her Biggest Pro-Trump Arguments

There's no doubt that lawyer Alina Habba's Donald Trump gig has led her to become one of the most recognizable faces of his campaign, and she frequently uses social media as an avenue to promote MAGA-friendly views. For example, in late August 2024, the attorney took to Instagram to ask a few poignant questions: "What are you [going to] do for my children? What are you, as an American, [going to] do about the gas prices, the grocery prices?" Struggling to make ends meet in the face of rising costs is a very relatable topic for the average American, and it's one Habba has touched on before; in an earlier post, she hinted that high prices spurred by what she calls "Kamalanomics" were leading her to take matters into her own hands.


However, a more recent Instagram story suggests that Habba's statements definitely don't come from personal experience. The lawyer reportedly made millions working for Trump, and it appears she is thoroughly enjoying her wealth. The story, captioned "Making my hair great again," shows Habba getting her hair extensions refreshed by two stylists in a very lavish setting that features a massive chandelier. The image doesn't exactly scream "struggling with grocery bills" to us, and showing off her lavish lifestyle definitely pokes holes in her latest pro-Trump argument.

Alina's wealth-flaunting contradicts her statement

Trying to sound relatable is a common strategy for politicians and their campaign staffers, but Alina Habba isn't fooling anyone; her latest Instagram story is just one of several instances where her wealth — which she seems to have had even before she was Trump's lawyer — was on full display. For example, in March 2024, Page Six reported that the attorney took a short but luxurious trip to St. Bart's for her 40th birthday. According to the article, the trip included staying at a private villa on the island with several of her closest friends. To give you a true sense of just how pricey and exclusive this trip was, sources shared a list of other celebrities who were seen on the Caribbean island that weekend: "Paul McCartney, Logan Paul, former Viacom boss Tom Freston, and former Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes."


This kind of vacation isn't something the average American can easily afford, and some social media users were very unimpressed with Habba's choice to flaunt her wealth in this manner. Several Trump critics even insinuated that Trump campaign funds may have helped pay for the trip.

Although there's no evidence to substantiate these accusations, it's clear that Habba's out-of-touch behavior has left a bad taste in some people's mouths and makes it hard to take her supposed concerns about gas and grocery prices seriously. 


