We Gave Donald Trump JD Vance's Eyeliner & The Transformation Is Wild

Since jumping aboard the Trump train, JD Vance has abandoned his previous beliefs (like calling Donald Trump "unsuitable" for office) and transformed into one of the former president's loudest defenders. We've watched Vance slowly morph from critic to cheerleader, becoming more and more like Trump. And it's got us thinking: Could Trump be taking any style tips from his running mate, especially when it comes to cosmetics? 


It's no secret that Trump is having a little trouble in the beauty department. Who could forget his infamous orange glow, which was allegedly the result of too much fake tanner and makeup? Then there's the bizarre hair color that had stylists around the world speculating on what went wrong. We eventually learned that the wet raccoon hairdo was thanks to Trump's impatience in the salon chair — just as he is in politics. With 45's ongoing makeup missteps, we can't help but wonder: Could a little eyeliner help make Trump's eyes pop the way it does for Vance? We sent this one over to our expert photo editors at Static Media, and they did not disappoint.

Eyeliner would make Donald Trump look dramatic and intense

Who knew Donald Trump had such beautiful blue eyes? The eyeliner certainly gives his look a major upgrade. Gone is the stuffy businessman with the troublesome eyes. In his place is an edgy new Donald with a soulful, piercing gaze that just draws you in. This rebellious aesthetic could actually work for the former president. It makes him look much younger and quite glam and bougie. This certainly doesn't look like a man with any issues in the style department. Instead, he cuts a picture of someone who doesn't really care about traditional masculinity norms.


On the downside, Donald Trump also looks hilarious, with his wrinkles more pronounced than ever. But knowing that he actually enjoys sending the press into a frenzy, there's a possibility the MAGA leader might just embrace the eyeliner. We can already picture Donald Trump Jr. jumping to his dad's defense: "Listen, folks, the media's melting down over this because they just can't handle how edgy and stylish my father is."

