Psychologist Tells Us Tom Cruise & Trump Could Create Bumps In Suri & Barron's College Paths

Two of America's most famous kids are Suri Cruise (the daughter of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise) and Barron Trump (the son of Melania Trump and Donald Trump). Both Suri and Barron graduated in 2024 and are entering college. Suri is enrolled at Carnegie Mellon University, which she seemingly revealed with a fashion statement in June 2024. Barron is attending a university in New York, but as of writing the name of said university has not been revealed. Wherever it is, Melania will mostly be living near Barron in New York for the next four years, no matter what happens in the 2024 election.


Unfortunately, Barron and Suri's famous fathers may cause trouble during their time in college. The List spoke to NYC Neuropsychologist Dr. Sanam Hafeez, the Director of Comprehend the Mind, who told us that Suri and Barron may be under a microscope. "Being in the public eye, both Suri and Barron will likely face more scrutiny than the average college student," Hafeez said. "The media attention surrounding their family backgrounds and public profiles could add extra pressure to their adjustment period, making it harder to blend into a college environment and find a sense of normalcy."

Hafeez said another issue for Suri and Barron could be their privacy getting invaded by people on-campus and in the wider world, due to being from well-known families. However, it may be worse for Barron.


Barron Trump may have a harder time in college

Speculating on Suri Cruise and Barron Trump's college experiences, Dr. Sanam Hafeez described how their families come from two different worlds. She told The List, "This difference could affect how each is perceived on campus. Barron may face political scrutiny or polarizing opinions from students based on his often polarizing father, which could create a more challenging social environment for him."


Suri's father Tom Cruise has missed out on big moments in her life due to their estrangement. Hafeez pointed out how Suri will just have Katie Holmes to help her with the college transition. Hafeez continued, "However, Barron has Donald Trump's influence, which might come with additional expectations or pressures, especially given Trump's dominant public persona."

The List also spoke with Hafeez about Suri specifically, and how Holmes might have prepared her to have successful college years. "By fostering independence and a social network in her teenage years, Suri likely gained important skills such as decision-making, responsibility, and navigating relationships," Hafeez said. "All crucial for college success." She also felt that living in New York City and having a more normal upbringing was beneficial for Suri. It's not all easy, however, with Hafeez mentioning how entering college is a big change no matter what. But she added, "Holmes' approach to giving Suri a balance of freedom and support might help her handle these pressures better than most children of high-profile celebrities."


Suri Cruise and Katie Holmes' closeness could cause issues in college

Dr. Sanam Hafeez talked about how the closeness between Suri Cruise and Katie Holmes might be a problem, with potential issues being separation anxiety and over-dependence. On the former issue, Hafeez said, "If Suri has relied heavily on Katie for support, she might face difficulties adapting to college life independently." Hafeez also talked about how it might be difficult for Suri to branch out on her own because of Holmes, adding, "Suri may feel unspoken pressure to stay close to home or maintain regular communication."


Hafeez's advice was "finding balance" between their mother-daughter bond and Suri growing: "Suri will need space to establish her identity, make new friendships, and grow independently while still nurturing her connection with her mom." Hafeez said the potential issues she listed are typical, even for non-famous children when they leave the nest. "Suri and Katie can navigate this transition smoothly if they prioritize encouraging independence alongside emotional support," Hafeez said.

On both Suri and Barron Trump's new stages of life, Hafeez said, "Both Suri and Barron will need to navigate the complexities of independence, privacy, and public attention as they head to college, and both will likely rely heavily on their mothers' support to do so." She said the two of them have similarities, but their college lives will be shaped by their individual family lives.


