Michelle Obama Ditches The High Road At 2024 DNC With Scathing Trump Takedown

Michelle Obama was one of the highly anticipated speakers for the Democratic National Convention's second night. In 2020 and 2016, the former first lady also spoke at the party's conventions, but her most recent speech marked a different and more fiery approach as Obama actively threw shade at Trump.


In 2016, she said, "When they go low, we go high" (via the Independent), a phrase that became oft-repeated. However, Obama later clarified that, rather than rising above and ignoring a situation, she was encouraging people to channel their anger into action. She did just that in her latest remarks, slamming Trump's behavior towards her family and noting that he was "threatened by the existence of two hard-working, highly educated, successful people who happen to be Black." Obama paused during the enthusiastic applause before inquiring, "Who's going to tell him, that the job he is currently seeking might just be one of those Black jobs?" This comment was a dig at Trump's assertion that different types of jobs are connected with racial identity.


Obama also pointed out the ways she believed that Trump was going low. She accused the former president of deceiving people and taking away beneficial programs and policies. "Going small is petty. It's unhealthy. And quite frankly, it's unpresidential," she explained. Obama's new blunt approach garnered praise across the internet. "I was here for all her smoke, shade and out right fire!" one user enthused on X (formerly Twitter).

Michelle Obama's words carry a lot of weight

Ever since her time in the White House, Michelle Obama has continued to be so popular that she's constantly refuting rumors that she'll run for president. In the 2020 election, Donald Trump was reportedly concerned that the former first lady would be his political opponent. Four years later, his earlier apprehensions were substantiated by a July 2024 poll that postulated that she could run against Trump and win in the current election.


Interestingly, Trump seems to have adopted a more complimentary tone towards the Obamas, just as the former first lady is going for more straightforward criticism towards Trump. Michelle also referenced Trump's multiple business bankruptcies, and how the majority of people have to work hard rather than benefit from a substantial inheritance. Writing in The New York Times, opinion columnist Tressie McMillan Cottom saw Michelle's overarching theme as "Donald Trump embodies the inequality that is an enemy of democracy."

Although it's not often that she enters the political spotlight, Michelle Obama makes a notable impact whenever she speaks. According to CNN reporter Jeff Zeleny, "[The Harris campaign team] believe that her speech tonight could resonate much more outside this convention hall in the weeks to come in this election." Accordingly, Obama encouraged listeners not be immobilized by emotions and focus on influential behaviors like voting. Instead of "go high," this time her mantra was "do something." As she repeated those words, Obama motivated the audience to chant "do something" with her.


