Jennifer Lopez's Divorce Filing Crystallizes Bennifer Was Phony For Longer Than We Suspected

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck have officially filed for divorce, according to TMZ. Lopez filed the documents with L.A. County Superior Court, and as the outlet noted, she did so without an attorney present. August 20 marks a significant date in Bennifer's shared history, as they celebrated their official ceremony on this date in 2022. However, Lopez's papers claim the couple has been separated since April 26, indicating that the twosome has been faking it for the press much longer than we thought.


For example, TMZ reported that the couple put their mutual Beverly Hills mansion up for sale in mid-July 2024, over a month before Lopez filed for divorce. This wouldn't necessarily be noteworthy, but TMZ explained that the couple had already been living apart for several months. Even more telling, several of their friends spoke with Us Weekly about the status of their marriage back in May 2024, and the results are clear: Both spouses have been slowly withdrawing from their union — and each other — for a long time.

Their friends saw the split coming

Although Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck tried to squash split rumors earlier in the year, many of their friends saw the writing on the wall long ago. Unfortunately, the details these anonymous friends shared with Us Weekly make it clear that it was just a matter of time before Bennifer bit the dust. For example, J. Lo's glamorous life apparently became a major point of contention for the couple over time, and one source highlighted its impact on Affleck. According to Us Weekly's source, he "doesn't agree with Jennifer's lifestyle" and appeared to be "worn down," which isn't surprising in such a contentious situation.


Another insider summed up one likely cause of the split: "Over time, Jennifer and Ben found it increasingly difficult to communicate effectively, and small misunderstandings grew into significant arguments." Celebrity couples aren't immune to communication breakdowns, and their busy work schedules likely exacerbated the problem. A third source claimed that their intense schedules "highlighted the emotional and physical distance between them." Few relationships could survive these types of conflicts, and Lopez's filing puts the couple well on their way to becoming another Hollywood statistic. 

