Queen Elizabeth Reportedly Had Her Suspicions About Donald & Melania Trump's Marriage

For years, people have questioned why Donald Trump and Melania Trump continue to stay together, and it turns out that Queen Elizabeth II was among the dissenters. Her Majesty seemed to think that the two weren't sticking it out because it was a love match. Instead, the queen reportedly "believed Trump 'must have an arrangement' with wife Melania," reasoning, "Why else would she remain married to him?" according to an excerpt from Craig Brown's book "Q: A Voyage Around The Queen," which was published in the Daily Mail. The late monarch had a couple of opportunities to observe the couple's behavior in person and she clearly came to a conclusion about their marriage. 


While Donald was president, he and Melania visited London to meet the queen — while there, Donald blatantly broke royal protocol with the queen a number of times. She was professional through it all since Queen Elizabeth II knew her relationship with Donald, as the president of the United States, was an important one and she was nothing if not a kind and savvy diplomat. But it seems that, all the while, Her Majesty was making mental notes about the Trumps, and evidently they weren't terribly flattering.

Donald Trump reportedly didn't enjoy the queen's company that much

It may have been what Donald Trump did while with Queen Elizabeth II that made her conclude that Melania Trump probably didn't stay married to him by choice. As Craig Brown put it, "A few weeks after President Trump's visit, she confided in a lunch guest that she found him 'very rude,' particularly disliking the way he couldn't stop looking over her shoulder, as though in search of others more interesting," per the Daily Mail. We're not sure who might be more interesting than the queen, but there we are.


The controversial politician seemed to have had no inkling as to the poor impression that he was making on the queen (or potentially didn't care). When discussing his visit to London on "Fox & Friends," Donald commented on how much fun Her Majesty had with him, more than anyone else in decades apparently, as CNN reported. There's been no comment as of this writing from either Donald or Melania about what the queen reportedly really thought of their marriage, nor any confirmation or denial from the palace.

