Hillary Clinton's DNC 2024 Attack On Trump's Sleepy Courtroom Behavior Is Sure To Enrage Him

As Donald Trump strolled into court for the first day of his hush money trial in April 2024, the former president brandished his usual, stereotypically over-confident swagger. However, once Trump was safely behind closed doors, his cocky persona rapidly faded, and his exhaustion shone through. In fact, according to The New York Times, the controversial politician even "appeared to nod off a few times, his mouth going slack and his head drooping onto his chest." To make matters worse, Trump was supposedly so deep into his slumber that he paid no mind to his lawyers showing him notes and only woke up with a start "several minutes" later. Trump's exhausted appearance at the trial had everyone talking, and it evidently even caught the eye of none other than Hillary Clinton.


When the one-time Trump opponent for the presidency took the stage at the 2024 Democratic National Convention, she used his infamously sleepy demeanor for a perfect dig. "Donald Trump fell asleep at his own trial and when he woke up, he made his own kind of history: The first person to run for president with 34 felony convictions," Clinton quipped as the crowd laughed, applauded, and chanted "Lock him up!" The bestselling author received a similarly warm reaction when she cheekily pointed out that Trump's character attacks against Kamala Harris sounded all too familiar. Clinton had a snarky response to Trump's hush money trial conviction too, releasing a mug with an image of her drinking tea emblazoned with the hilarious caption: "Turns out she was right about everything."


Donald Trump's past comments about Hillary Clinton seem painfully ironic after his conviction

Throughout Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, the outspoken politician made it abundantly clear that he wanted to put his opponent, Hillary Clinton, behind bars for variously unspecified reasons. Trump infamously used the phrase "Lock her up" on multiple occasions in extremely public settings. However, when the topic came up in a June 2024 Fox News interview following his conviction, the former president denied ever uttering those words. In the same chat, he strongly alluded to the possibility of imprisoning Clinton if successfully re-elected in November.


And while Clinton never shies away from taking a swipe at Trump's legal woes, she couldn't deny that the whole affair was incredibly difficult in a 2023 interview with MSNBC. "I don't feel any satisfaction," she said, of his many indictments, adding, "I feel great profound sadness that we have a former president who has been indicted for so many charges that went right to the heart of whether or not our democracy would survive." 

The former secretary of state asserted that she could only find a modicum of happiness in knowing that the former president and his backers weren't able to cover the truth forever. Given how strong their rivalry has remained through the years, it's hard to imagine that Clinton and Trump had a rather amicable relationship before he stepped into politics, and the former first lady even attended his wedding to Melania Trump. 


