Kimberly Guilfoyle Is Completely Unrecognizable In Throwback Video From Her Gavin Newsom Days

Looking back on past style choices can be jarring for anyone, but it's especially true for those in the public eye. Although it's hard to imagine Kimberly Guilfoyle without her signature outfits and outspoken nature, a video of a 2004 interview with Charlie Rose reveals a very different version of Guilfoyle. In the video, we can see that Guilfoyle was far more reserved and conventional back in her Gavin Newsom days. Without the bright colors and intense makeup she's so well-known for, the former San Francisco prosecutor is almost completely unrecognizable.


The video certainly proves that Guilfoyle's look has changed drastically since her marriage to Newsom, but even her personality is completely unrecognizable versus her public appearance in 2024. Furthermore, some of the ideologies she supports also appear to have shifted. Here, we break down all of the ways Guilfoyle appears to have transformed in the last two decades, based on her interview with Rose. 

Kimberly Guilfoyle looked more reserved in the 2004 video

One of the most striking things we noticed about Kimberly Guilfoyle in this interview is her outfit: a smart, simple black blazer with a dark top underneath. She also has much shorter hair in the video, cut in a conservative style that suits her very well. Even her signature bold, smokey eye makeup is missing from this early appearance, with Guilfoyle having opted for a more muted, natural makeup look. Overall, Guilfoyle's pared-down style in the video looks more like what we would expect from a prosecutor than the flashier outfits she frequently sports in 2024. 


However, her style isn't the only stark difference; her demeanor seems wildly different, too. Guilfoyle looks poised and calm as she answers Rose's questions, and she remains genial and soft-spoken throughout. By comparison, in a 2024 RNC video shared by PBS, Guilfoyle appears to be borderline shouting into the microphone and relying on polarizing rhetoric to get her point across. For example, she says, "The powerful elites in the swamp will do anything to destroy the America First movement, but we will never give up." It's difficult to imagine the reserved, gracious Guilfoyle from 2004 making such a comment, but such behavior has become commonplace for the former prosecutor in 2024. 

Her politics have changed along with her style

Even before she began associating with the Trump family, Kimberly Guilfoyle's political stance leaned slightly on the side of conservatism. As Gavin Newsom explained to Charlie Rose in their 2004 interview, "She is tenacious, but she's fair and she has remarkable compassion. But I think she's modestly more conservative, particularly on some social issues."


This description appears to be accurate in the video, as Guilfoyle shares her thoughts on several crucial political topics without veering too far from typical left-leaning views. For example, one of the major foci of the interview was same-sex marriage, and Guilfoyle commented, "So many people, I'm impressed with their relationships, the children that they've raised in same-sex marriages. They're an example and a lesson to so many others of how to take this seriously, what it means to have love and togetherness." 

However, recent appearances demonstrate that Guilfoyle has politically changed her tune. For example, Guilfoyle's 2024 RNC speech is far less LGBTQ+ friendly than her 2004 comments. For example, in the video shared by PBS, Guilfoyle discusses bringing about a new era, in which "high school girls will only compete with other girls, not biological men." This clearly transphobic comment is more in line with far-right beliefs than the opinions she shared in her Charlie Rose interview. Change is inevitable, but Guilfoyle's evolution since her 2004 appearance suggests that not all change is for the better. 


