Olympic Swimmer Luana Alonso Lives A Lavish Life

Paraguayan swimmer Luana Alonso's life seems to be a dazzling display of lavish living, irrespective of the controversies swirling around her Olympic career. Despite being only 20, the athlete has reached heights that many can only dream of, competing in the Tokyo Olympics at the age of 16. Alonso skyrocketed to international fame when the news that she had been asked to leave her country's 2024 Olympics team circulated.


The Paraguayan Olympic Committee condemned her for "creating an inappropriate atmosphere" and mentioned that she hadn't even lodged in the Athletes' Village, the area provided for competitors to stay (via The Sun). This brazen criticism hasn't stopped Alonso from staying active on social media. Unlike most other Olympic athletes who live ridiculously lavish lives, she's made it very clear that sports do not pay her bills. 

Even before the Olympics, she frequently kept her more than 1 million Instagram followers up-to-date with her expensive life, featuring stylish swimwear, destination holidays, and restaurants to die for. Following her exit, her Instagram Stories have made it pretty clear that she has no plans to stop.


Luana attends a really expensive private university in the U.S.

Although Luana Alonso is from Paraguay, she's living the high life in Dallas at the posh Southern Methodist University (SMU), which costs between $80,000 to $90,000 a year. This tag might make even Americans do a double-take, but for international students like Alonso, the added expenses make this school only available to the super-wealthy. SMU has a reputation for having freshmen who attend school in exotic cars, and the athlete-turned-internet-sensation is no different. In one of her Instagram Story highlights, she shares a snippet of her riding in what looks to be a Ferrari on campus.


But it's not just flashy cars that define her luxurious lifestyle. Alonso seems to have the rich-kid-in-college starter pack on Insta, complete with fancy devices, FIJI water snaps, and visits to the best restaurants in the area. Fun fact: SMU has an Oishii Sushi Restaurant right on campus, but considering the tuition fees, we're not surprised.

She vacations all around the world

Luana Alonso's Instagram page is a beautiful collection of lavish destinations that is sure to give you just a bit of wanderlust. She's traveled all around the world to some of the most popular celeb vacation spots. From the sun-soaked beaches of Miami's South Beach to the vibrant streets of Rio de Janeiro and the gorgeous seas of the Cancun, her travel diary reads like a bucket list.


The Olympian has visited Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Japan, Chile, Peru, Hungary, and even some of the top sights in the U.S. She's taken multiple trips to Qatar, sharing photos of jet skiing, camel riding, and fine dining in some of the most high-end restaurants. She's even posted Instagram snaps at the exclusive Dinner in The Sky in Qatar.

Apart from her frequent vacations, Alonso takes advantage of her career trips to sight-see. After announcing her retirement from swimming following her poor performance at the Olympics, she took time off to see the sights in London. But rather than just visiting the Eiffel Tower (which she also did), she shopped at Saint Laurent and Louis Vuitton and had fancy macarons at Ladurée, a really expensive French pastry company. She also, of course, made a pit stop at Disney, but given how tough the Olympics had been, who can blame her?


Famous friends and designer clothes, Luana has it all

Luana Alonso might be keeping details of her family private, but she has no qualms about flaunting her star-studded connections. In January 2024, she casually told the "Aire de Todos" radio show that footballer Neymar had slid into her DMs back in 2022 (via Fox Sports). While she kept the details of their conversation a mystery, it's clear they were at least on speaking terms. When the 2024 Olympics rolled around, Alonso didn't let the pressures of the competition keep her from mingling with the elite.


Her Instagram feed was filled with snapshots alongside fellow athletes, including the legendary Rafael Nadal, who got married in 2019. However, her socializing seemed to stir up some controversy. Members of Paraguay's committee told Le Parisien that Alonso had behaved in an "individualistic way" and had chosen to leave the team herself. Some sources suggest her lavish personality sidetracked her teammates, while others pointed to her choice of personal designer swimwear as a bone of contention.

With a wardrobe featuring high-end brands like Calvin Klein and Victoria's Secret, who can blame her for occasionally sporting her own chic swimwear? Whatever the truth is, we certainly hope Luana Alonso doesn't let it get her down. At least, she wasn't one of the Olympic athletes who had their medals taken away.


