Tragic Details About HGTV's Jasmine Roth

HGTV's Jasmine Roth has garnered a reputation for being down-to-earth and genuine, with the reality host balancing her upbeat attitude with moments of online vulnerability. In addition to discussing some of the obstacles she has faced as a mother, the designer is one of the HGTV stars who have opened up about their health issues. Even when being transparent about the more difficult aspects of her life, Roth often leaves her followers with a hopeful message and positive perspective, an outlook that has taken some practice. 


"This is going to sound cheesy, but I do practice gratitude," Roth revealed on the "Girls Night" podcast. "The minute I flip things on its end like that, it really helps me through a tough time. It gives me that perspective to kind of say, 'Okay, well, what's next?' Like, how can I take the opportunities I've been given? How can I take this privilege I have? How can I take whatever it is that seems really sad and, you know, maybe not how I planned and use this and grow?"

The Virginia native debuted on HGTV in 2017, striking viewers of "Hidden Potential" with her practical approach to design and renovation. She also gained notoriety for competing on the first season of "Rock the Block," with Roth opening up about the hardest part of filming the competition show. From there, she went on to headline the series "Help! I Wrecked My House," tackling DIY projects gone wrong. All the while, she's maintained her positive attitude.


Jasmine experienced pregnancy-related nosebleeds

Back in October 2020, Jasmine Roth opened up about an unexpected health struggle she faced as a result of pregnancy. The "Help! I Wrecked My House" host and her husband Brett Roth welcomed daughter Hazel into the world in April 2020, with Roth experiencing chronic nosebleeds after giving birth. "My OB @nc_wh looked in my nose and thought it was just from wearing my mask," Roth wrote on Instagram. "Well fast forward 5 months and I'm getting 5-30 nosebleeds PER DAY!"


The HGTV star was eventually referred to an otolaryngologist — also known as an ears, nose, and throat doctor — who identified a growth in her nostril. "Long story short, the hormones from having a baby spurred a growth in my nostril that needed to be surgically removed," Roth explained. The interior designer had a surgery scheduled, but when her daughter's head lightly bumped into her nose during a dip in the pool, things escalated unexpectedly.

Roth recounts that she ran inside her house to stop the nosebleed, only to notice that the growth had fallen out and that her nose was bleeding more than ever. Luckily, she was able to call her doctor's emergency line and get the wound cauterized at their office. "We were back home by 9pm!" the HGTV said, expressing her thanks to the health professional. While health issues are never fun, it's great that Roth's situation ultimately turned out okay.


The HGTV star faced obstacles as a new mom

HGTV star Jasmine Roth has also been vulnerable about insecurities she experienced as a new mother. She wrote on her blog that her daughter was prescribed a corrective helmet to treat plagiocephaly, a common condition among babies that manifests as a misshapen skull. In a follow-up blog post, Roth opened up about her thought process surrounding the diagnosis. "My first question (and one of MANY for the doc) was how this would affect Hazel and her development?" the former "Hidden Potential" star wrote. "Would she be able to sleep okay? Would she be able to do tummy time? Would she be annoyed by it?"


The doctor reassured Roth that the helmet wouldn't affect Hazel's development and likely wouldn't be any sort of nuisance to the toddler. "Once Hazel was in the clear, my thoughts went a different direction," the reality host continued. "What would people think? I know, I know, in retrospect this is such a shallow way to look at things, but in the moment that's honestly where my mind went. I was insecure."

Roth feared that others would judge her family or think she was a bad mother, thoughts that most parents can probably relate to. To combat these insecurities, the HGTV star worked to put her situation into perspective. "Now that we're 4 weeks into her wearing a helmet, these petty fears feel pretty embarrassing," she wrote. "Brett and I are HOME with our baby. She's safe and healthy, surrounded by those that love her."


Jasmine sustained a painful neck injury

Another health issue that Jasmine Roth has discussed openly is the painful neck injury she sustained in 2022. The Virginia native revealed in an Instagram post that she started experiencing pain while on a trip to New Jersey with her mom and her daughter Hazel. While it was a familiar journey for the HGTV star, she explained that her daughter refused to sit in her stroller or be carried by her grandma. "At 2 yrs old, carrying her through 2 airports and on and off the planes was a challenge, but nothing out of the ordinary for me," Roth wrote.


Even so, she began to feel the toll of travels on her body. "By the time we got to our rental car, drove a few hours to the Jersey shore, got inside with groceries unpacked, and got ready for bed...I knew something wasn't right," Roth continued. "My neck hurt and it hurt BAD." It wasn't until she returned to California from her family trip that Roth was able to see a doctor, who diagnosed her with a herniated disk. "It's since been a journey of MRI's, injections, tons of physical therapy, rest (possibly the hardest part [slanted mouth emoji]), and pain," she said. Roth's resulting road to recovery was a long one, with her injury even affecting her experience filming for HGTV.

The health issue affected her filming experience

Reality TV star Jasmine Roth has shared her favorite parts of "Help! I Wrecked My House," but her experience on the show was heavily affected by her neck injury. In an Instagram post, Roth admitted she had mixed feelings about Season 4 of the series. "While I was excited (so excited!), I was also recovering from a neck injury," she wrote. "And the last time I checked, renovating 12 houses on camera might not be the 'rest and relaxation' the doctor ordered."


Roth explained during an interview with TV Insider that she had to adjust how she approached renovations during the season, revealing that she couldn't be as physically involved as she typically is. "I've had to figure out what my priorities are and how I can do my job without being as physical," she said. "You'll see this season on 'Help! I Wrecked My House' I'm a little less hands-on and more involved in the design."

Despite this, Roth went into the season head-first, and came out the other side pleased with what she was able to accomplish. "I jumped in with both feet, ready to tackle projects that my clients hadn't been able to overcome," she said on Instagram. "I met with my team, designed my butt off, worked with all the trades, tried new things, cried a little, laughed a lot, and at the end of the day ended up with a tv show we were all really proud of."


Jasmine opened up about mental health and family

Another thing that Jasmine Roth has been vulnerable about is her family's struggles with mental health. The former "Rock the Block" star discussed this part of her life in an Instagram post, revealing it's something she is always dealing with. "I don't talk about it much, but mental illness has deeply affected my family," she wrote. "It's not a fun topic, so I try not to give it additional space, but it's always there and it's a constant silent stressor."


Back in 2019, Roth also discussed her family's struggle with mental health in relation to her wedding day on Facebook, explaining that many members of her extended family weren't able to make it to her wedding. "Mental illness has taken an irreversible toll on our family – leaving us questioning daily 'why,'" she said. "Sometimes it's hard to move forward, and it's not getting any easier."

While Roth explained in her Instagram post that she had to learn how to balance her responsibility to her family with her role as mother, the HGTV star ultimately left her followers with a characteristically positive message. "I share this because I know it's hard," she wrote. "I hope my story helps encourage someone to rise to the challenge of figuring out what healthy boundaries look like and how you might benefit from setting them."


If you or someone you know needs help with mental health, please contact the Crisis Text Line by texting HOME to 741741, call the National Alliance on Mental Illness helpline at 1-800-950-NAMI (6264), or visit the National Institute of Mental Health website.

