Meet Sharon Stone's 3 Kids

After spending the 1980s racking up smaller TV and film credits, Sharon Stone kicked off the '90s with a bang. She began the decade by starring opposite Arnold Schwarzenegger in 1990's "Total Recall," and just two years later she was in the erotic thriller "Basic Instinct." Her performance in this movie catapulted her fame level to new heights, and she was nominated for a Golden Globe. A few years after that, she not only won a Golden Globe for her work in 1996's "Casino," but was up for an Oscar. She then lent her voice the DreamWorks animated flick "Antz." Her star seemed like it would only continue to rise.


However, in the wake of serious health issues, Stone's career fell to the wayside in the 2000s. Around that same time, she became a mom. "I'm grateful that I chose motherhood as a healthy approach to my life and that I didn't prioritize Hollywood," she once told People, "because they certainly didn't prioritize me."

Much like acting, being a parent seems like something Stone was destined to do. Moreover, she's definitely a star who puts family over fame. "I think if you love parenting it just gets more and more interesting, it doesn't get easier or harder," she said to Hollywood Life in 2017. "I don't think parenting is hard because I love parenting, and I think the things that you love and are dedicated to aren't hard even when they are complicated." So, who are the kids who call the actor mom? Meet Sharon Stone's three boys. 


Sharon Stone welcomed her eldest after multiple miscarriages

Sharon Stone's journey to motherhood didn't come easy. In 1997, Sharon met journalist Phil Bronstein while she was working on the film "Sphere." In just a year, the two would tie the knot and eventually begin building a family life together. Their son Roan Joseph Bronstein Stone was born on May 22, 2000. Roan joined the family after Sharon went through a series of miscarriages. As she shared in the comment section of one of People magazine's Instagram posts, she suffered nine miscarriages before she became a mom. Under a post about "Dancing with the Stars" pro Peta Murgatroyd's own experiences with fertility loss, Sharon wrote, "We, as females don't have a forum to discuss the profundity of this loss."


Todd Gold of Us Weekly told the Associated Press that Sharon's fertility struggles led her to seek another path to motherhood. She was eventually connected with Roan's biological mother, a young girl from Texas who wasn't ready to become a mom. A week after Roan's birth, Sharon and Phil met their son for the first time.

"They are over the moon about this baby," Gold said. "As they said it completes the picture. It brought a calm, and a peace, and serenity, and happiness to lives that were very full and accomplished except for this one thing, and now they're a family."

When Roan Stone was 4, his parents entered a custody battle

In 2001, shortly after becoming a mom to Roan Joseph Bronstein Stone, Sharon Stone suffered a stroke. This resulted in a near-fatal brain hemorrhage. She was told she had 1% chance of survival, but against all odds, she lived. However, after she underwent the procedure that ultimately kept her alive, Sharon Stone's life took another tragic turn. "I lost everything," she told People years later. "I lost all my money. I lost custody of my child. I lost my career. I lost all those things that you feel are your real identity and your life."


After her stroke, her marriage to Phil Bronstein came to an end. Sharon reflected on the messy fallout on an 2013 episode of "Larry King Now." "As I was recovering, my husband divorced me and married his girlfriend," she said, "and they sued me for custody of my son." On a 2023 episode of iHeart Radio's "Table for Two," Sharon said she ultimately lost custody because of her infamous explicit scene in "Basic Instinct." This took both an emotional and physical toll on her. "I ended up in the Mayo Clinic with extra heartbeats in my upper and lower chamber of my heart," she said. "It broke my heart." 

Through it all, Roan and Sharon stayed close. In 2019, Roan, who was originally given his father's last name, took legal action to change his last name. According to the Blast, he filed a petition to add Stone to the end of his name. 


In 2018, Roan Stone went to the Golden Globes with his mom

Roan Joseph Bronstein Stone was mostly kept out of the spotlight throughout his formative years, but every now and again, Sharon Stone invited him to tag along at industry events. In 2017, for example, Roan and Laird Vonne Stone went to the premiere of their mom's rom-com "All I Wish." The following year, Sharon kicked things up a notch and brought Roan to the Golden Globes. 


After the award show, Sharon chatted with the hosts of "Good Morning America" about the special mother-son outing. As Sharon explained, it was her way of rewarding her 17-year-old for his academic achievements. "It was a beautiful experience," she expressed. "He's doing so well in school and he got 100% in physics this semester. I'm so proud of him." This wouldn't be the only reason for their red carpet-appearance together. 

That year, many attendees sported black attire to the Globes in support of the #MeToo movement, including Sharon and Roan. As the "Basic Instinct" star said on "Good Morning America," it meant a lot to her to be able to have her son be a part of this particular event. "I think that this whole movement, this #MeToo movement was something that was educational for him, and he was proud to be there," she added. 


Roan Stone studied to be a chef

Roan Joseph Bronstein Stone's spent most of his life under the radar, but in 2021, his online presence began to grow. That year, Sharon Stone's son took to YouTube to share his love for all things culinary under the channel name "Stone Cooking." As of this writing, the channel only has three videos.


In "Chef Roan Stone Q&A Episode 1," Roan answered questions about his interest in food and his chef experience. "I was going to be in the army, then I decided to stay and be with my family and pursue my love of cooking," he explained. "I started about a year and a half ago, working out in Maui now." Roan trained at the Institute of Culinary Education, which is located in Pasadena, California.

Apart from sharing recipes for baked Alaska and chocolate soufflé, his passion for the craft was apparent throughout the video. While answering questions regarding his favorite cooking knives and comfort meals, Roan also gave insight into who inspired him to pursue this venture. "I grew up around Wolfgang Puck and Gordon Ramsay and all these famous chefs who are, you know, big deals now, and being able to go see their kitchens, and cook in their kitchens with them as a child, it really inspired me," he stated.


Roan Stone's childhood friend became part of the family in 2022

As someone who has advocated for various causes ranging from HIV/AIDS awareness to women's brain health, Sharon Stone clearly has a soft spot for others who may be in need. So when a childhood friend of her eldest son, Roan Joseph Bronstein Stone, was in a tough spot during the pandemic, Sharon stepped up.


At a film festival 2022, Sharon spoke with Daily Mail about her ever-growing brood. As she told the outlet, Roan's longtime friend ended up on his own during the pandemic. So, she welcomed him into their family during this difficult and lonely time. "My oldest boy's very best friend, from when he was little, had a single parent who had Parkinson's and who he took care of for 12 years until his father died during COVID," she explained. "And so he was suddenly alone ... and I took him in. So now I have four boys." A source told the outlet that she lovingly referred to Roan's friend as her "adopted son." Yes, as it turns out, Sharon is a celebrity who has more kids than you might've realized


Roan Stone made his acting debut alongside his mom in 2024

Roan Joseph Bronstein Stone is a young man of many skills. Not only is he a trained chef, but as his mom told People in 2018, he happens to be a talented glassblower. What's more, it sounds like he might have an acting career ahead of him. In 2024, Roan nabbed a part in "What About Love," a film that just so happens to feature Sharon Stone as a lead. Of course, Roan is not the first kid of a celebrity to make their acting debut alongside their parent, but that doesn't make this any less exciting for the Stone family. As proud mom Sharon wrote on Instagram, "Roan Joseph Stone, day one on set. Welcome to the family biz kid. Have fun."


In 2024, Roan shared a two-part YouTube series called "Breaking Down A Script." In the series, he offers a number of acting tips, as well as some details about his own training. "I went to Ivana Chubbuck's classes, was my first acting classes that I started with, and now my mother's my acting coach as well," he said in part one. "I'm still figuring out if I want to do acting school, or how I'm going to do it, but for now my mother's acting coach and that has really helped me."

Laird Stone insisted on taking his mother to a premiere in 2015

Sharon Stone adopted her second son, Laird Vonne Stone, in 2005. "I have been trying to adopt a second child for years, with general fits and starts," she told People after the adoption was final. "So I didn't totally, totally believe it until he was in my arms."


Like his eldest brother, Roan Joseph Bronstein Stone, Laird spent the majority of his childhood away from the limelight. However, in 2015, Laird got a glimpse into the business of show when he joined his mom at a oh-so-Hollywood event. 

Laird, who was 10 years old at the time, accompanied Sharon to the premiere for the series "Agent X." As they made their way down the step-and-repeat, Sharon told Extra that her son wanted to attend the event.  "I was actually getting ready to go and he's like, 'You're going to go to this by yourself? I'm not comfortable with that, mom,'" she recalled. "And I'm like, 'Okay.' He goes, 'I really feel that I should take you.'"

Laird Stone is working toward becoming a doctor

In May 2024, Sharon Stone took to Instagram to announce that her second eldest child, Laird Vonne Stone, graduated high school. While his older brother seems to be following in their mom's footsteps as he tries to make a name for himself in show biz, Laird has his sights set on a totally different field. As Sharon shared in another Instagram post, her son is set to start a pre-med program in 2024. She did not reveal where he will go to school, presumably out of respect for the relatively private kid's privacy.


Before he began his next educational chapter, Laird spent some time with Sharon in Italy. The two were photographed together out in Rome in late July after Sharon received the Golden Cariddi for Lifetime Achievement at the Taormina Film Festival. In early August, Sharon posted a photo she took with Laird and a cat. "Last trip before college," she wrote.

Quinn Stone had a frank conversation with his mom about identity

Born in June 2006, Quinn Kelly Stone is the youngest of Sharon Stone's trio. Aside from a few sentimental posts on Instagram and red carpet appearances, Quinn — like his older brothers — maintained a relatively low profile. However, every now and again, Sharon will offer up some details about her son. 


In a 2018 installment of Variety's "Actors on Actors," Sharon sat with "Will & Grace" actor Debra Messing to talk about their respective careers in Hollywood. At one point, Debra spoke about the impact of "Will & Grace," the beloved late '90s/early '00s sitcom that also happened to be the first primetime American series to feature openly gay characters. Sharon noted that her three sons were all fans of the show, and then went on to recall a story where she talked to Quinn about his own sexual orientation.

"I have a son who's just about to be 12, and we were on vacation, and he said, 'I want to get a mani-pedi.' I'm like, 'Oh, fun. Okay,' and he said, 'I want to get pink nails and toenails,' and I said — of course — 'Are you coming out? If you're coming out, you should tell me first,'" she explained. "And he said, 'Mom ... I don't know. It doesn't matter, and anyway, that's a war that's already been fought.'" Of course, pink nail polish has nothing to do with sexual orientation, but it stands to reason Sharon meant well.


Laird and Quinn Stone got into sports

Sharon Stone's always been one to encourage her kids' interests, even if that means setting up a designated spot in her home where they could wrestle around. "I got the foam helmets and everything as they got bigger," she shared on a 2018 episode of "Conan." Sharon, who has a background in martial arts, played along with her sons for a while, but eventually, Roan, Laird, and Quinn Stone all grew out of that phase. "It was the time when my older son picked me up and carried me around the house where I was like, 'I think we're getting past a certain point here,'" she laughed.


Clearly, it's a very active household. That same year, Sharon told People that Laird and Quinn, who were 13 and 12 at the time, were all in on organized sports. As she revealed to the outlet, Laird was running cross country while Quinn played flag football. She shared that she got a kick out of Laird coming home from cross country meets all muddy, and went on to add that she loved seeing her youngest son on the football field. "Today, I got texted video clips of the game, and it's such a thrill for me," she stated.

Sharon Stone's sons presented her with an award in 2017

In 2017, Sharon Stone was presented with the Mother of the Year Award at the Associates For Breast and Prostate Cancer Studies Mother's Day Luncheon in Beverly Hills. This award not only recognized Sharon for advocating for early breast exams and screenings, but celebrated her role as a mom to her sons. Who better to hand her this particular award than Roan, Laird, and Quinn Stone?


When it was time to present the award, Sharon's three sons all took turns at the podium to say some words about their mother. According to People, Roan shared that Sharon taught him to "treat others the way you would want to be treated and to put your best foot forward." Laird expressed that their mom was deserving of the accolade, while Quinn described her as being "loving, caring, and a great person." When it was Sharon's time to speak, she gushed about how much her boys mean to her. "I'm grateful my kids chose me, I am a lucky mom," she said. "Motherhood didn't come easily, but it came lovingly to me by angels."

Sharon Stone has taught her boys well

While being a single parent certainly can come with challenges, it's no secret that Sharon loves being a mom to Roan, Laird, and Quinn Stone. "I'm now a single mother with three adopted sons, and it has been the great privilege of my life to raise them," she wrote in British Vogue in 2019. That privilege includes not only nurturing Roan, Laird, and Quinn Stone, but shaping them. As she told Allure in 2019, "I'm trying to allow them to be informed, thoughtful young men."


Sharon has also recognized that as parent to three boys, it's especially important to make sure they understand the insidiousness of toxic masculinity. "There's certain fears that boys and men have in the world today because there are certain misunderstandings about power and what it means to be masculine," she on "The Drew Barrymore Show." "So I'm trying to teach my boys that the ideas that men have passed on about what it means to powerful and important might not be wholly correct."

As previously noted, the #MeToo movement sparked many important conversations in the Stone home. At a 2018 event hosted by Marie Claire, Sharon shared that she's spoken with her sons about consent and assault. "They want to hear and want to know and want to understand, and I explain to them what boundaries are and that no means f**king no," she said. 


