Lauren Boebert Outfits That Completely Missed The Mark

Lauren Boebert's messiest controversies ever made her one of the most notorious conservative representatives in modern history. When she's not fighting for the right to bear arms, Boebert can be found voting against same-sex marriage or picking fights with the likes of Barbra Streisand and Ryan Reynolds. Whether you agree with her politics or not, there's no denying one thing: Boebert likes to play with fashion and doesn't dress like your typical congresswoman. While it's arguable that it's a woman's right to wear what she wants when she wants, Boebert has often come under fire for her style choices (pardon the pun.)


Sometimes, her outfit selection has been intentionally controversial and designed to capture headlines and stir the pot, but that's not always the case. Boebert has been caught out a few times wearing a look that is miles away from what others would deem appropriate for the occasion. 

Even high-profile stars like Howard Stern have made it clear what they think of Boebert's attire, and though it could be said that any publicity is good publicity, there may be better ways to capture attention as a female politician. Either way, Boebert is never boring, so let's take a look at times her outfits totally missed the mark.

Lauren Boebert wore high heels to a construction site

Finding the right outfit to wear to work can certainly be tricky, but most of us aren't attending public events or photocalls. In May 2023, Lauren Boebert wore a knee-length sleeveless blue dress and towering high heels to visit a construction site, which left many scratching their heads. In a Facebook post, Boebert shared photographs from the day which showed her shaking hands with workers and chatting to them. "It was great visiting the future site of a new reservoir being built by the Conejos Water Conservancy District," she wrote. "I am working to secure critical funding for water storage and delivery projects that will store water during dry times and combat western drought."


It's interesting to note that all of the men Boebert was photographed with were wearing far more appropriate attire, such as work boots, jeans, and hats to shield themselves from the weather. Yes, it can't be denied that outfit options in this scenario are slightly easier for men, but we've seen Boebert sporting jeans and a t-shirt before, so why did she opt for such a fancy get-up? 

Her outfit choice didn't go unnoticed, with many of the comments on the post poking fun at her look for the day. "This ISN'T a Vogue fashion shoot Lauren," wrote one troll. "Even though your third-rate wardrobe, hair & glasses would never get you there."

She wore knock-off Trump merch

Lauren Boebert and Donald Trump's relationship is an interesting one. Ever since she rose to prominence as a Republican for her passionate pro-gun rhetoric, Boebert has made it clear that she's a loyal follower. After the July 2024 assassination attempt on the former president, Boebert took to X to compare Trump to Jesus Christ, claiming they were both victims of "cancel culture" trying to keep them silent. So, it could be said that she's a firm fan of the businessman turned politico.


It makes perfect sense that she would own some of Trump's famous "Make America Great Again" merch, but considering her standing most would assume that it would be legit and not counterfeit knock-offs. However, Boebert made an embarrassing confession in June 2024 when she was seen wearing a white MAGA hat with Trump's signature on it as well as a pair of bright gold sneakers to a primary election party where she celebrated her win. Trump had previously sold a limited-edition wave of the shoes, but Boebert didn't get her hands on them. Instead, she sported fakes. 

Talking to Westword at the time, she admitted, "These are very China, but I'm okay with that. If I could've bought the OGs, I would have." Only 1,000 pairs were made and they originally sold for $399 a pair when they dropped.


The infamous Let's Go Brandon dress

You may remember that Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Met Gala dress had Twitter in a tizzy back in 2021. The white mermaid-tail gown was emblazoned with red writing on the back which read, "Tax the Rich" and didn't go unnoticed by the press or by opposing politicians. Later that same year, Lauren Boebert decided to shoot back at Ocasio-Cortez's message by wearing her own message to a Donald Trump event at the former president's Mar-a-Lago resort. Boebert opted to invert the color scheme, wearing a short bright red one-shouldered dress with the words "Let's Go Brandon" in white on the back. 


In a photo she shared on X, Boebert could be seen standing next to Trump and peering over her shoulder as he smiles at the camera, doing a thumbs-up. She captioned the post, "It's not a phrase, it's a movement! #LGB." If you're a little confused about the meaning behind the phrase, you aren't the only one. 

During the Talladega Speedway, crowds started to chant "F*** Joe Biden" but an NBC reporter mistook it for "Let's Go Brandon", telling winning NASCAR driver Brandon Brown that the crowds were celebrating his first-time victory on the track. Political science professor at Occidental College Caroline Heldman exclusively told us, that while Boebert isn't the first to use fashion in this way, it's fast becoming a trend: "Political messaging with fashion has become like classic rap battles."


Her tasteless Trump t-shirt ruffled feathers

One of the things that makes Lauren Boebert so popular among her Republican constituents is her outspoken views on gun laws. She has repeatedly spoken about her belief that Americans should be able to carry them as they wish, including while walking around Washington, D.C. and Capitol Hill. When Beto O'Rourke stopped by Aurora, Colorado as part of his presidential-hopeful campaign, Boebert wasted no time in rebuking him for his gun-control views (via Forbes): "I was one of the gun-owning Americans who heard you speak regarding your 'Hell yes I'm going to take your AR-15s and AK-47s.' Well, I'm here to say hell no you're not."


Her no-nonsense, ballsy approach won her fans instantly, but it hasn't gone down well with her opponents. Regardless, Boebert is never going to back down and has made that evidently clear by openly carrying a gun while out and about, as well as wearing t-shirts with interesting pro-gun slogans. In 2020, she took to the streets of Grand Junction to celebrate Flag Day, posing for a series of photos with her supporters which she later posted on Instagram. Her black t-shirt read, "God Guns Trump." Presumably, the three things were supposed to be separate. 

Caroline Heldman, a political science professor at Occidental College, told us that this is a clever tactic used by Boebert: "Boebert's political fashion statements make sure her name and face stay in the press ... Boebert is using fashion to throw red meat to her MAGA base."


Lauren Boebert wore a dangerous far-right slogan

Donald Trump has a bold claim about the Capitol Hill riot, but he's not the only one. Though many politicians denounced what happened on January 6 in the wake of his election loss, others have backed it up. Lauren Boebert tweeted as the events unfolded, "Today is 1776." 1776 was the year the American Revolution unfolded, and soon became regularly referenced by far-right Trump supporters who believed that the riots showed some a bright new world order. Many people were quick to rebuff Boebert's tweet, with one replying, "In 1776 the Founders would have jailed Trump and you would be washing clothes and cooking food," while another said, "No. Today is the day the US experienced its first coup attempt, and you are part of that seditious crowd."  


Despite the pushback her tweet received, Boebert hasn't stopped referencing the number. In 2023, she posted a video on Instagram of herself at the Demolition Derby. Not only did the pink rust bucket she drove have "1776" prominently spray painted on both sides, but she also wore a black long-sleeved t-shirt with the number on the front in big white lettering.

At one point, she stood on top of her vehicle in the middle of the event field and lifted her arms up into the air, proudly displaying her shirt for all to see. There's nothing quite like endorsing unconstitutional riots, apparently.  

Howard Stern called her theater dress a disgrace

Howard Stern has proven time and time again that he isn't afraid of courting controversy. His interviews often push the envelope of what's acceptable, and he certainly isn't a prude — but even Stern draws the line at some things. In late 2023, Lauren Boebert was kicked out of a performance of "Beetlejuice" in Dever, Colorado, after she broke theater rules by vaping in her seat. Videos of Boebert show her being escorted out of the show along with a male friend, looking slightly bemused — but despite the fact that her office originally denied vaping, it was her outfit that caused even more of a ruckus. 


In the footage, Boebert can be seen wearing a short, low-cut dress, the likes of which congresswomen typically avoid. Her style inspired a rant from Stern, who said during one of his shows (via Daily Mail): "Lauren Boebert is a disgrace to this country! Forget the politics. She's in a t***y dress. She's with some dude. Looks like she's obviously vaping, but also looks like she might be grabbing his penis during Beetlejuice." 

Boebert later spoke to One America News Network (via Fox News) to defend herself (and presumably her outfit): "I was a little too eccentric. I am very known for having an animated personality."

She wore skin-tight jeans and heels to a gun factory

Lauren Boebert's ex-husband Jayson has an extensive arrest record, and if you took these photographs at face value you may be forgiven for thinking Boebert may have one herself. She doesn't, but Boebert isn't afraid to look threatening or wave around the odd gun or two, even when wearing inappropriate attire. In 2022, Boebert posted photos of herself visiting Capco Inc. in Grand Junction to Instagram. In one of the images, she can be seen posing with an automatic gun with a beaming smile on her face, while wearing skintight skinny jeans and slip-on block pumps.


The lower part of her outfit is more fitting for a night out or a smart casual dinner date, while her top half says business. Boebert opted to wear a button-up blazer with a shirt underneath, making this a strange outfit choice for multiple reasons. Not only is it mismatched, but Boebert's jeans and heels combo could be seen as sexualizing firearms. 

What's more, Boebert praised the company in her Instagram post, writing, "Capco is a major manufacturer of the M205 HMG Tripod and the M320 Grenade Launcher Module and the premier manufacturer of these products for DoD. No one does it better than these innovative engineers in our community!" 

Lauren Boebert's workwear was blasted

The year that changed everything for women in politics was 2018, but Lauren Boebert didn't rise to prominence until a short time later. But when she did become a household name, it was clear that Boebert wasn't going to back down, no matter how fierce her opposition was. Even other conservatives have been known to sound off against her, including Colorado State Rep. Richard Holtorf. In May 2024, Boebert's rival in the GOP primary took a very public and personal swipe at her, denouncing her choice of outfits and love for short skirts and high heels.


He reportedly said that the congresswoman needs to "learn" how to dress, but he didn't stop there, going so far as to compare Boebert to sex workers. "You know what I see about two blocks up from the state capitol? I see women dressed like Boebert," Holtorf told 710KNUS radio, via the Toronto Sun. "High heels, short skirt, low-cut blouse. And I won't tell you what they're doing but it's nothing you can talk to your grandmother about."

Clearly, there was no love lost between the pair when Boebert beat him in June 2024. There's no sign of her switching up her wardrobe to please him yet, either.

