Kimberly Guilfoyle's Social Media Behavior Screams Deflection Amid Don Jr. Split Rumors

Most of us try to show our best selves on social media, and for folks in the public eye, this is particularly important. One quick look at former President Donald Trump's daughter-in-law-to-be, Kimberly Guilfoyle's, social media presence certainly doesn't indicate that there is anything bad going on in her personal life. But, a closer look shows that Guilfoyle isn't sharing much about her personal life, at all. However, what Guilfoyle isn't sharing may show us more about what's going on behind closed doors than she thinks.


Guilfoyle started dating Donald's oldest son, Donald Trump Jr., in 2018, and the couple got engaged in 2020. Recently, though, there have been rumors and signs that this pair's relationship may be on the rocks, and her Instagram grid certainly isn't saying anything to the contrary. June 20, 2024 marked the last time Guilfoyle posted a photo of just her and her fiancé. That photo was pretty awkward and definitely not a particularly lovey-dovey post. Since then, Guilfoyle has been very active on Instagram, but the posts have been all about the elder Donald's 2024 presidential campaign as even photos and videos of herself have started to dwindle.

Interestingly, in 2019, the couple appeared on "The View," and they were asked about when they'd be tying the knot. Guilfoyle's reply was simply, "We need to get the president re-elected," which indicated that her relationship may not be the priority over politics. 


Kimberly Guilfoyle may be using politics to hide her relationship struggles

These days, Kimberly Guilfoyle seems to be more concerned about her future father-in-law's presidential campaign than she is about her future husband. Although, Guilfoyle's love of politics existed long before she fell for one of Donald Trump's sons. After appearing on many television series as a legal analyst, Guilfoyle became a Fox News host in 2006. However, her exit from the network was mired in controversy. She lost her gig at Fox in 2018 after being accused of workplace misconduct. But that wasn't her only foray into politics. From 2001 through 2005, Guilfoyle was married to Democrat California Governor Gavin Newsom. While married to Newsom, Guilfoyle's politics surprisingly aligned with her then-husband, but her views have obviously changed since.


Politics are extremely important to Guilfoyle, and her current social media presence certainly reflects that. She has made some time for love, though. While appearing on "Successful Philanthropy" in 2021, Guilfoyle did take a moment to talk about her relationship with Donald Trump Jr. "I already feel married and committed to him, 100 percent," she said, adding, "Being his wife would be ... fantastic. I absolutely adore the family," per People.

Yet, it is the Trump family that Guilfoyle seems to be focusing on instead of Donald Jr. as the split rumors pile up. So, while Guilfoyle may be keeping her social media focused on politics to deflect attention away from her relationship with Don Jr., a new strategy may be in order because the tactic is definitely being noticed.


