New Trump Rally Photo Proves He Can't Hide His Age Beneath Strange Hairdo

Once President Joe Biden stepped out of the 2024 presidential race, former President Donald Trump became the oldest presidential nominee in the history of the United States. With a title like that, one might think that Trump believes age is just a number. In reality, though, the second-time presidential hopeful has often poked fun at Biden for his age over the years; even though the President is only three years Trump's senior. It doesn't take a hair and makeup expert to know that between his signature combover and unwavering penchant for bronzer, Trump often tries to make himself look younger than he is. Unfortunately, a recent photo of the former president at a campaign rally proves that you can't hide your age with wispy hair alone.


On August 3, at the Georgia State University Convocation Center in Atlanta, Georgia, Trump hit the rally stage to pump up the audience about his 2024 campaign. Yet, his infamously strange hairstyle wasn't looking its best. A photo from the event revealed his typically concealed receding hairline as well as his bright white roots. Trump's 70s have surely been his worst hair decade, so we can't say we're surprised to see the signs of aging that are hiding beneath his sparse locks and makeup. Still, that surely doesn't make this combover malfunction any less embarrassing.

Donald Trump's mockery of Joe Biden's age was a bad move

When Election Day rolls around in November, Donald Trump will be going head-to-head with Vice President Kamala Harris, who is only 60 years old and considerably younger than Joe Biden. So, now, instead of having an opponent whose age Trump can reasonably pick on, he is nearly two decades older than his Democratic adversary. As his own age becomes more and more apparent, his attacks from the past may come back to haunt him.


Trump won the presidency in 2016, but that was almost a decade ago, and many people have said that the time that has passed in the interim has made all the difference. In 2023, businessman and politician Vivek Ramaswamy called Trump "not the same person he was eight years ago," per the Associated Press. According to the New York Times, Florida governor Ron DeSantis said, "This is a different Donald Trump than 2015 and '16 — lost the zip on his fastball." Surely, Trump didn't expect to find himself in this presidential race against someone much younger, and he may regret bringing up the issue of Biden's age as frequently as he has. Now, it's Trump who is the old candidate. Should he choose to debate Harris, this time around he'll be the one with messy hair that makes it look like it's past his bedtime.


