Trump's Joke About Leaving Melania Has Everyone Pointing Out The Irony

Former President Donald Trump has proven that he is, at times, out of touch. For one thing, Donald surprisingly described himself as a very "honest" person, despite telling multiple lies daily while in office. (According to a 2021 Washington Post report, he tallied up more than 30,000 "untruths" while in office.) At a rally in summer 2024, he showed just how out of touch he can be when he made a quip about leaving his wife, Melania Trump.


In a clip uploaded to X, formerly known as Twitter, Donald spoke about an interaction with a fan of his, whom he brought up on stage. The woman stood next to him by the podium while he said, "This one is so smart, so sharp, she grabbed me. She gave me a kiss. I said, 'I think I'm never going back home to the first lady.'" Donald also made it clear that saying so didn't matter: "For the average politician, that's death. For me, I don't care."

The X user who uploaded the clip included a bunch of celebratory emojis in the caption, as if Melania heard Donald's quote and couldn't believe her luck. Other X users commented on the clip and said similar things. "I don't think Melania cares, Donald," one said. Another quipped, "I am sure Melania would be just fine with that."


Melania has been keeping her distance

Although her feelings on Donald Trump's breakup joke are unclear, Melania Trump reportedly knows how to show she's mad at him. According to Katie Rogers' biography on first ladies titled "American Woman," after the world learned of Donald's alleged payoffs to Stormy Daniels, Melania canceled a trip with him and headed to Mar-a-Lago with her press secretary Stephanie Grisham instead. "Grisham, who traveled with her on that jaunt, said that the First Lady had wanted to communicate her anger to the president," Rogers wrote (via People).


It's also interesting to note that Melania hasn't joined Donald at most of his campaign events for the 2024 election. According to AP News, she told reporters to "stay tuned" in March 2024 regarding her participation in campaigning. However, she still hasn't done much. Melania wasn't seen at the 2024 debate between Donald Trump and President Joe Biden, who is no longer running for re-election. She also stayed away from the Republican National Convention, except for the very last day.

Author Mary Jordan wrote a biography on Melania and told BBC News, "Melania does what Melania wants. She is fiercely independent and won't do something just because other people do it. She doesn't feel any obligation to do it." If so, Melania may not feel any desire to attend Donald's political events. Something that could confirm she doesn't share her husband's political ambitions are Melania's reported future plans, which include less work as first lady if Donald is re-elected.


