Mary Trump Decimates Cousin Eric's Defense Of Donald's Cruelty In Scathing Statement

A nasty Trump feud is boiling over, and Mary Trump, Donald Trump's niece, just delivered a scathing knockout. Things hit fever pitch after Mary's brother, Fred Trump III, accused Donald of making merciless remarks about disabled people (Fred's son is disabled) in his memoir "All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way." Time shared an excerpt of the damning claims against the former president on July 24. According to Fred, Donald reportedly said, "The shape they're in, all the expenses, maybe those kinds of people should just die." Eric Trump defended his dad on X, formerly Twitter, on July 30, claiming Fred's son benefitted financially from Donald's side of the family.


But Mary, who's formed an alliance with some of Donald's biggest foes, wasn't having any of it. She responded via X on August 1, calling Eric's statement, "Full of lies and misinformation." But she really went in via a YouTube video. Mary again accused Eric of lying in her over seven-minute clap back, saying, "[Eric]'s self-aggrandizing and vicious statement is quite frankly abhorrent." She added, "If he had any sense of basic human decency, he would understand the bargain he's made and, at the very least, not attempt to pass off a blatant theft from which he's benefited as an act of charity." Mary then took aim at both Eric and Donald, telling the world, "Like his father, he's weak and he's cruel in the way of small unaccomplished men." Ouch.


Mary Trump also involved the late Maryanne Trump Barry in her take down

Mary Trump's brutal take down also included audio from Donald Trump's late sister, Maryanne Trump Barry. Posted on X on August 1, Mary used the recording from 2018, when Fred Trump's son was in the hospital, to suggest Donald and his sister shared similar views. Maryanne, who died in 2023, said, "I don't think they'd agree with me but it would be merciful." She added, "I mean, he has no quality of life."


As is normal with the Trumps, Mary's multi-platform take down of Eric Trump got mixed responses. "I'm so sorry y'all have to deal with this nonsense. You all have really done a lot to try and help our country and should be treated with more grace and gratitude," one person responded on X. "What is the point in [Eric] posting this to the public besides to make his cousin a target ... " a second shared. But others weren't convinced by Mary's takedown. "Why is it Donald has 100s of relatives and it's just 2 speaking out ... writing books for money," one person questioned.


The Trump family drama came as Fred publicly supported Kamala Harris for the 2024 presidential election. Appearing on "The View" on July 30, he stated his intent to vote, and potentially even campaign, for Donald's rival. Around the same time, Fred gave an emotional interview to ABC News, in which he claimed, "[Donald's] done really horrific things to me."

