Fred Trump III Has A Complicated Relationship With His Anti-Donald Sister, Mary. Here's What We Know

The last time Fred Trump III and his sister, Mary Trump, saw eye to eye was when they both sued former president Donald Trump, Robert Trump, and Maryanne Trump Barry to get a chunk of money from their grandfather's will. This was way back in 2000, and they managed to get a decent payday out of the lawsuit, with the amount estimated to be millions. Fred and Mary argued that the money would have gone to their father, Fred Trump Jr., had he still been alive at the time of their grandfather's death. Hence, it was rightfully theirs. Donald and co did not take kindly to being ordered by the court to share the generous inheritance and proceeded to cut off Mary and Fred's health insurance as retribution.


Upon receiving their money, Fred and Mary had to sign an ironclad NDA, which later proved to not be so watertight after all when Mary managed to publish a scathing tell-all book about the Trump family, titled, "Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man."

The page-turner was published in 2020, and while Mary had great success as a published author, her brother, Fred, was none too happy with her airing the family's dirty laundry. He moved to publicly distance himself from his sister, releasing a statement ahead of the book's release condemning its publication and calling it "a breach of trust and a violation of our privacy" (via People).

Fred released his own book, echoing statements made in Mary's

Fred Trump III and Mary Trump no doubt had a rocky relationship after she published her tell-all book in 2020 despite members of her family (including Fred) being against it. The truth about Mary is that she doesn't mince her words. The claims in her book were not only shocking, they were downright damaging to the Trumps. Fred publicly criticized his sister's book, calling her claims lies. "I have a strong relationship with our extended family and have had no involvement or interest in the preparation of this book," he said in a statement provided to the Daily Mail. He also refuted Mary's claims that Donald and his siblings cut medical funding from his son, William, who has cerebral palsy.


Flash forward four years, and Fred ended up doing a complete one-eighty, following in his sister's footsteps and publishing his own tell-all book. The tome not only slammed the Trump family, but it also appeared that Fred and Mary had reconciled and swapped some notes. In his book, Fred echoed Mary's claims that medical funding was cut from his son, but reiterated that Donald Trump still contributed. But another jaw-dropping claim followed, with Fred saying the former president once told him to let his son die instead of trying to make plans to cover his medical bills. "He doesn't recognize you. Maybe you should just let him die and move down to Florida," Donald reportedly told Fred (via The Guardian).


Mary and Fred finally agree on politics

With both their books out in the world, it appears that Fred Trump III and Mary Trump have put their differences aside, especially since they now both share the same political views. Mary Trump has shared how she really feels about Donald Trump running for office again — and spoiler alert — she would rather not see him step over the White House threshold ever again. Fred's claims against his uncle in his book, "All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way," echo Mary's sentiments. "Every family has their crazy uncle. My Uncle Donald is atomic crazy. And ... he has put his mark on the family history," Fred told ABC News. When asked who he planned on voting for, he said that he wants to see Kamala Harris take office — not his uncle.


Mary is also supporting the Democratic Party and previously told readers on her Substack blog that she was rooting for President Joe Biden (prior to him dropping out of the race). "I don't believe that Pres. Biden is the only person who can beat Donald. But I do believe he is the person who has the best chance to beat him," she wrote (via Newsweek).

One thing Mary and Fred may still disagree on is the latter's determination to continue having some semblance of a relationship with Donald. Mary, on the other hand, is definitely not interested in making any house calls to her estranged uncle.

