We Wanted To See Melania Trump With Marla Maples' Hair, So We Made It Happen

Donald Trump's marital track record may not be the best — current wife Melania Trump is his third overall — but the former president certainly has a knack for picking total beauty queens. All of Donald's wives were previously models before adding Trump to their names, and they all took pride in maintaining their looks even after leaving the runway behind. But Melania stands out from predecessors Ivana Trump and Marla Maples in one aspect: Her hair color. Whereas the first two Mrs. Trumps were blondes, the third has chestnut brown tresses. Occasionally, the former first lady will add some lighter highlights for contrast, but she's never gone full-on yellow.


Since Melania has transformed herself over the years from a small-town Slovenian girl to a White House resident, why not give her one more makeover? We were curious to see how the current Mrs. Trump might look if she were as blonde as her husband's second wife, Maples. Does a sweet-Georgia-peach color suit an Eastern European queen? We turned to our skilled Static Media photo editing team for answers. Through the magic of Photoshop, they lightened Melania's hair to a sunnier shade — and not surprisingly, it brightened up her entire look in the process. 

Blonde hair would make Melania Trump friendlier but still powerful

By all accounts, Marla Maples and Melania Trump seem to have a friendly relationship. Donald Trump's current and former wives may not enjoy regular coffee dates or text each other for hours at a time, but they have attended several important events together, including the stunning wedding of Maples' daughter, Tiffany Trump. With that in mind, we asked Static Media's talented photo editors to give Melania's hair a more Maples-like shade, similar to the tweaking they did to give Kimberly Guilfoyle blonde hair. Once again, we have to say, it's a total glow-up. The lighter honey tone brightens Melania's complexion and flatters her features. The former first lady has a bit of a reputation for appearing stern and aloof, but this 'do also makes Melania seem cheerier and more approachable.


Don't confuse a friendly blonde look for helplessness, though. On the contrary, blonde women have historically been associated with power and sexiness. The iconic "blondes have more fun" slogan was created for Clairol in the 1950s by ad exec Shirley Polykoff — a proud blonde herself. And despite the prevalent "dumb blonde" stereotype, research indicates that blonde women may actually earn more than their darker-haired counterparts. The fact that Donald, a man who values power in himself and others above all else, chose blonde women as his first two wives speaks volumes about the bombshell image. Having Melania lighten up her own hair color would likely only add to her appeal.

The transformed Trumps could win more fans

We changed Donald Trump's disaster hairdo with a little Photoshop magic too, as seen above and the result was drastic to say the least. Instead of the pouffy yellow comb-over style he's been desperately holding onto for years, the darker shade and closer crop make the former president look considerably more natural. This new style also gives him the kind of dignity required by someone looking to reclaim the Oval Office (of course, this gravitas might be shattered if he continues to publicly refer to "the late, great Hannibal Lecter," but even the best photo editor can't do anything about that). The List-ification of Melania Trump would match her husband's makeover quite nicely, in our humble opinion. 


Just as a president needs to project an image of serious authority, a first lady should seem warm and family-friendly. The former first lady still has some damage control to do from the first administration, when Melania was blasted for her un-jolly White House Christmas decorations and some dodgy fashion choices (we hope the infamous "I Really Don't Care, Do U?" jacket ended up in the trash). Rumor has it that Melania may opt to keep Mar-a-Lago as her primary residence if Donald wins again, going to D.C. only for official engagements. This would make it even more important for her to make a good impression when she does appear. A blonde 'do could help Melania truly "be best" in the public eye.


