Trump Stirs The Pot On Biden's Rumored Feud With Obama

When Joe Biden was still the 2024 Democratic presidential candidate, rival Donald Trump frequently bashed him on both a professional and personal level. Now that Biden has formally exited the race, Trump is still on the attack. The controversial politician watched Biden's dropout address on July 24, 2024 from his plane Trump Force One as he headed out of North Carolina, and suffice it to say, he had no kind words. Not only did Trump bash the speech, he also hinted that the commander-in-chief's decision wasn't entirely his own.


In an interview with Fox News, Trump said, "It was like a terrible speech and terrible delivery." He also sneered at the media commentators who called the address brave and inspiring. "It's so phony what's going on. The press is so — it's so fake. Anybody can see it was a problem." Trump went on to accuse prominent Democrats of orchestrating the exit after Biden's poor performance at the presidential debate. "I think it was a coup," he said. "They went to him and they said, you can't win the race, which I think is true, unless I did something very foolish — which I wasn't going to do — and I think he was so far down and they said, 'You're not going to win, and you're not in great shape, and you did poorly in the debate.'"


More cutting still, Trump claimed Biden's closest allies are actually his biggest backstabbers. And that includes Obama.

Trump says Obama was 'brutal' to Biden

Following Joe Biden's Oval Office address, former president Barack Obama offered his gratitude to the president on X (formerly Twitter): "'The sacred cause of this country is larger than any one of us.' Joe Biden has stayed true to these words again and again over a lifetime of service to the American people. Thank you, @POTUS." Donald Trump, however, thinks the support is just a show. Adding fuel to the rumors about a feud between Joe Biden and Barack Obama, Trump told Fox News that the 44th president was one of the people pushing for Biden to step aside. "[T]hey forced him out, between Pelosi and Obama and some others that you see on television. It was interesting," he said. "I'd watch them on television and they act so nice. 'Oh, yes, we loved you. We loved you.' Behind the scenes, I know for a fact they were brutal."


Trump went on to criticize the presumed new Democratic contender, Vice President Kamala Harris. "I think in many ways, she's a much worse candidate," he said. Pointing out her "radical" policies and her "nasty" demeanor, Trump nonetheless added that he expected the outcome. "I knew [Harris] was probably going to happen," he said. "It was a palace coup." This phrasing, of course, stood in stark contrast to Biden's Oval Office speech in which he said (per Yahoo! News), "The great thing about America is here kings and dictators do not rule. The people do."

