Strange Things About Biden's Dropout Address We Couldn't Ignore

Joe Biden's decision to drop out of the presidential race and endorse VP Kamala Harris as his replacement on the ticket threw the country for a loop. Despite the fact prominent Democrats had been nudging him in that direction, it was still a total 180 from the president, who had been insisting he wasn't giving up. Following up, Biden gave a historic address from the Oval Office on the evening of July 24. His speech touched on all the important points: his record in office, his backing of Harris for the Democratic ticket, and his decision to withdraw. "I have decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. That is the best way to unite our nation," he said (via CNN). Admitting it was "time for younger voices" to have a say, Biden told the country the future lies in their hands: "America's going to have to choose between moving forward or backward, between hope and hate, between unity and division."


The speech itself was solid, but there were odd aspects about Biden's delivery we just couldn't overlook — and neither could other viewers. For instance, Biden appeared to have made another Trump-inspired makeover; his facial skin tone was considerably darker than normal. This only brought out the worst suspicions in those who doubted Biden had recently been ill with COVID. "Looks like he got a tan while he was out sick," snarked a commenter on X, formerly Twitter. "Joe Biden became orange, and now he's stepping aside," added another.

Where was Biden looking during his speech?

President Biden's Oval Office speech got a huge and warm reception online from his fans, but his delivery drew fire from others. The president's focus was slightly off the camera, indicating he was reading the speech off a teleprompter. A critic on X accused him of "not [speaking] from the heart" because of the obvious recital. Another noticed an apparent swelling on the left side of his face and wondered if it was COVID-related.


Biden expressed his pride in living in a country where "a kid with a stutter from modest beginnings" could achieve the highest office in the land. Unfortunately, his speech impediment caused him to fumble a few times as he spoke, and his voice still seemed weak at points. If the president had continued his run for re-election, this would have only created more unease about his age, image, and ability to come across as a strong leader. On Fox News, Sean Hannity dismissed the president's speech as "a mumbling, bumbling, stumbling, fumbling to the American people — one that clearly showed his cognitive decline that was covered up by those around him."

Still, many eyes got misty when the president spoke of his gratitude for being able to serve the public for five decades. "I know a lot of jerks are making fun of this moment," wrote The Atlantic's Tom Nichols. "I don't give a damn. Gladly admit that right here is where I felt like it was getting a little dusty in here."


