Body Language Expert Tells Us Prince Harry Can't Hide Contempt When Asked About Royal Family Rift

There's no way to know what really goes on behind-the-scenes with the royal family. Yet, the ins and outs of Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex's feud with the rest of the royal family has certainly piqued the public's interest. While Harry may not want to outwardly address the bad blood he has with his family members, his body language may tell us how he really feels.


In a July 24 ITV News interview, Harry opened up about the settlement in his lawsuit against Mirror Group Newspapers. Harry sued the publisher for using illegal means to gather information, and he called the outcome a "monumental victory." Yet, while the duke may feel like a victor in one battle within his war against the press, he surely hasn't won in his family feud. During the interview, Harry was asked if his choice to sue the press "destroyed [his] relationship with [his] family." "That's certainly a central piece to it," Harry responded. Ultimately, though, he said, "That's a hard question to answer, because anything I say about my family results in a torrent of abuse from the press." Even so, Harry's opinion may be written all over his face. In an exclusive interview with The List, Fraud-Busting Body Language Expert Traci Brown, CSP addressed Harry's behavior. "What we see from Harry is stress and contempt," Brown explained. She also noted that "Both of these are very common for him when interviewed. So he's on his stressful baseline."


Prince Harry's body language may show that he wishes he had his family's support

When the topic of Prince Harry's rift with his family was broached, it's clear that the duke's nervousness increased. Traci Brown explains, "When he gets stressed, as this topic is for him, his blink rate increases and becomes irregular." Yet, his face reveals something else, too. "He shows contempt, which is moral superiority when one side of the corner of his mouth pulls back," Brown said in The List's exclusive interview. While it's not a surprise that Harry harbors some negative feelings for his family, it is interesting how contempt for his estranged family members came out during this particular interview. 


Harry noted that he wished his family joined him in his fight against the press' alleged inappropriate methods of information-gathering, and he thinks that it is the royal family's duty to the people they represent to fight this fight. "I've made it very clear that this is something that needs to be done," Harry said. He elaborated, "It would be nice if we did it as a family. I believe that ... from a service standpoint, and when you're in a public role that these are the things that we should be doing for the greater good." Evidently, Harry is committed to the cause even if it has hurt his relationship with his family. He said, "For me, the mission continues. But, it has ... caused part of a rift."


