Trump's Nephew Backs Damning Claims About Former President With Bombshell New Stories

Fred Trump III, the son of Donald Trump's late brother, Fred Trump, Jr., has some damning things to say about his uncle in his forthcoming memoir "All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way." In excerpts of the book shared by Time, Fred details specific instances in which the former president used inappropriate, derogatory, and offensive language against certain groups — particularly people with disabilities.


The issue is close to Fred's heart as his own son, William, has a disability due to a genetic mutation, resulting in a seizure disorder as well as physical and cognitive issues. A 2020 meeting in the Oval Office between Fred and the then-president — for which several disability advocates, Alex Azar, then-Secretary of Health and Human Services, and White House Covid Task Force member Dr. Brett Giroir, were also present — made Donald's beliefs on the matter abundantly clear. According to Fred, Donald said, "Those people ... the shape they're in, all the expenses, maybe those kinds of people should just die."

If such a comment was not reprehensible enough, the former POTUS doubled down on his opinion later that same year in regard to his own flesh and blood. When approached by Fred for a contribution to William's medical fund, Donald allegedly responded, "I don't know. He doesn't recognize you. Maybe you should just let him die and move down to Florida."


Donald Trump has repeatedly displayed insensitivity

This is not the first time Donald Trump has reportedly made comments at the expense of a person with disabilities, giving Fred Trump III's claims credibility. At a 2015 rally during his first presidential campaign, Donald physically mocked a reporter, Serge Kovaleski, who has a disability that affects his arm and hand mobility.


The former president also allegedly has a history of racist remarks. In May 2024, Bill Pruitt, a former producer on the hit reality series Donald hosted, "The Apprentice," wrote a piece for Slate which detailed how Trump had used the N-word in reference to a contestant named Kwame Jackson. In Fred's forthcoming memoir "All in the Family," he also describes witnessing Donald use disrespectful language against people of color during an incident where his vehicle was damaged by an unknown person, whom he referred to as the N-word. Trump and his team have denied all of the above claims.

Throughout Donald's years in the public eye, both on television and as a politician, he has repeatedly disparaged specific individuals and whole groups of people — including women, service members and veterans, Muslims, immigrants, Jewish people, and all people of color, to name a few. Even his wife, Melania Trump, has warned Donald about his behavior and its potential consequences. It's likely more bombshells will be revealed when Fred Trump's book drops later this month.


