Kamala Harris & Doug Emhoff Had The Most Adorable Meet-Cute

Vice President Kamala Harris may get a promotion come November 2024 since President Joe Biden announced that he would not be running for re-election after all. Now that he's bowed out, Biden officially endorsed Harris as a potential Democratic candidate for the upcoming presidential election. Harris' husband Doug Emhoff could get a promotion too if she's elected — he would go from being second gentleman to first gentleman. One especially sweet thing about Harris and Emhoff's already aspirational relationship is the adorable way it started, and how a voicemail played a key role. In Harris' 2019 memoir "The Truths We Hold," she described how the future couple was set up by their mutual friend, Chrisette Hudlin, who met Emhoff and told Harris they'd be great together. 


Encouraging the future VP not to look him up, she advised her, "Don't overthink it. Just meet him. I already gave him your number. He's going to reach out," (via Today). Harris and Emhoff texted a bit before they scheduled a phone call, causing Emhoff to leave a voicemail that piqued her interest. As Harris recalled, "The voicemail, which I still have saved to this day, was long and a little rambling. He sounded like a nice guy, though, and I was intrigued to learn more." However, Emhoff was worried it was all over after leaving that message and even thought about trying to salvage it with a second voicemail. Thankfully, when it was time for them to talk, the future couple had a great phone conversation.


Doug Emhoff's voicemail has become part of an ongoing tradition

At the time they initially met, in 2013, Kamala Harris was the attorney general of California and Doug Emhoff was a lawyer. Their first in-person dinner date went very well. In "The Truths We Hold," Harris reminisced, "There was no pretense or posing with Doug, no arrogance or boasting. He seemed so genuinely comfortable with himself. It's part of why I liked him immediately." Doug quickly followed up with an email confirming when he was free to meet again and was very direct in how much he liked Harris and wanted to date her. 


The future vice president then met his children, Cole Emhoff and Ella Emhoff, soon after. The Harris-Emhoff family tree became official when Harris and Doug got married in 2014. The couple sat down for an interview with CBS News in 2021, during which the story of Harris' friend telling her not to look Doug up was discussed. "You totally Googled him, didn't you?" the interviewer asked, to which Harris laughed and admitted, "I've never been asked that. I did!" Doug's jaw dropped at the news. 

The lawyer also shared his side of the story when it came to the origins of their relationship. He was at a Lakers game with a friend, and they worked together to think of what to text Harris when Doug first reached out. The father of two also divulged that Harris plays that first voicemail each year on their anniversary.


Doug Emhoff loves and supports Kamala Harris

Doug Emhoff has been consistently vocal about his love for and support of Kamala Harris, especially as she transitioned to becoming the vice president following Joe Biden's 2020 victory. During President Biden's first speech to Congress in 2021, Emhoff and Harris had a sweet moment that got everyone talking. The second gentleman was spotted blowing kisses and waving to Harris, which led tons of online denizens to swoon. And, in a 2024 interview with CBS News, Emhoff seemed to confirm that he really did once say "She's hot" when referring to his wife. "I think that's a true statement," Emhoff shrugged. "It was love at first sight, and we've been together ever since." 


He also reacted to the criticism she receives as vice president, confessing, "I'm her husband. Nobody wants to see anyone they love criticized or attacked." However, he understands it's a part of her job and added, "She's the toughest person out there. She's so tough. It just bounces right off of her." Emhoff also revealed to "The Late Show" host Stephen Colbert in 2024 that he has a nickname only his wife can use. "I'll let you say Doug," Emhoff said, "but not Dougie, because that's only for Kamala." In the Harris-Emhoff household, it's also been noted that his children call Kamala "Momala" — but when Drew Barrymore tried to use the nickname on her show, it totally backfired.

